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. 2020 May 29;7(6):911–923. doi: 10.1002/acn3.51058

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics of Chinese mainland type I sialidosis patients in our study.

  Patient 1, this study Patient 2, this study Patient 3, this study Patient 4, this study Patient 5, this study
Age/gender 17/M 14/F 31/M 20/F 19/M
Past history Easily tired after exercise; bad sports performance Bad sports performance Unremarkable Bad sports performance Unremarkable
Family history Unremarkable Unremarkable Unremarkable Unremarkable Unremarkable
Symptom onset age 12 years old 12 years old 17 years old 10 years old 10 years old
Initial symptoms GTCS Symmetric distal neuropathic pain Myoclonus A and falls GTCS
Other symptoms D; falls; A; hyperreflexia CI; D; falls; A; bedridden; hyperreflexia D; falls; A; hypertonia; hyperreflexia D; bedridden D; A; nystagmus; unequal pupils; hyperreflexia; ankle clonus
Visual acuity Gradually declined Gradually declined Gradually declined Gradually declined Gradually declined
Aural acuity Gradually declined; bilateral nervous deafness Normal Normal Normal Normal
Brain MRI Normal Widening of bilateral cerebellar sulcus Normal Normal Mild atrophy of cerebellar vermis and enlargement of midbrain aqueduct
EMG Bilateral F‐waves were not elicited Normal Normal U Neurogenic damage of extremities
BAEP Normal Normal Normal U Abnormal waveform differentiation
VEP (P100) Abnormal peak latency and amplitude Abnormal peak latency and amplitude Normal U Prolonged peak latency
SEP of upper limb Huge potential Huge potential Huge potential U Huge potential
SEP of lower limb Abnormal deep sensory conduction Abnormal deep sensory conduction Abnormal deep sensory conduction U Abnormal deep sensory conduction
Ocular fundus CRS Punctate opacity of binocular lens; CRS CRS Punctate opacity of binocular lens; CRS CRS
Visual field Diffuse defect of OU visual field OS, defect except the lower quadrant of nasal field; OD, enlargement of physiological blind spot Normal Normal Normal
OCT Diffuse weakness of bilateral RNFL and GCC; hyperreflex of macular inner layer Basically normal Hyperreflex of macular inner layer U Hyperreflex of macular inner layer
Blood examination Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
CSF examination Normal Weakly positive of oligoclonal band Normal Normal Normal
Mutation of NEU1 c.803A > G; c.239C > T c.544A > G; c.239C > T c.544A > G; c.239C > T c.838G > A; c.403C > T c.1118T > C; c.544A > G
Transmission Hereditary mutation Hereditary mutation Hereditary mutation Hereditary mutation U
Therapy LEV, 750 mg/bid; VPA, 500 mg/bid; CZP, 0.5 mg/bid LEV, 500 mg/bid to 750 mg/bid; CZP, 1 mg/tid LEV, 500 mg/bid; CZP, 1 mg/qn LEV, 500 mg/bid U
Outcome 2 m later: GTCS, zero; MCS and A, obviously improved 6 m later: loss of self‐sufficiency; 2 y later: GTCS, 1–3/m; MCS, daily; A and visual function deteriorated even further 2 y later: seizures, A and visual function deteriorated even further Seizures and A improved U

F, female; M, male; U, unsure; GTCS, generalized tonic–clonic seizure; A, ataxia; MCS, myoclonus seizures; CI, cognitive impairment; D, dysarthria; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; EMG, electromyography; BAEP, brainstem auditory evoked potential; VEP, visual evoked potential; SEP, somatosensory evoked potential; CRS, cherry red spot; OD, oculus dexter; OS, oculus sinister; OU, oculus unati; OCT, optical coherence tomography; RNFL, retina nerve fiber layer; GCC, ganglion cell complex; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; LEV, levetiracetam; CZP, carbamazepine; VPA, valproic acid.