Table 3.
Changes in statements in the mental health first aid guidelines for depression for China a
Changes (n) | Statements in English | Statements in Chinese |
Section 1: How do I know if someone is experiencing Depression/Learning about depression | 第一部分: 识别和了解抑郁症 | |
Added(2) | The first aider should consult a professional to learn more about depression. | 急救人员应通过咨询专业人员来更多地了解抑郁症。 |
The first aider should have some knowledge of the mental health law in China. | 急救人员应了解我国精神卫生法的一些基本知识。 | |
Excluded(0) | None | 无 |
Section 2: How should I approach someone who may be experiencing depression | 第二部分:怎样接近疑似抑郁者 | |
Added(3) | The first aider should not push the person too much to talk about their feelings and experiences. | 急救人员不应给对方过多压力来让其谈论个人的感受和经历。 |
The first aider should obtain the person’s consent before contacting their family members. | 需要时, 急救人员在征得救助对象同意后联系家属或监护人。 | |
The first aider should think about what they want to say in advance of the conversation. | 急救人员应该在对话开始前思考需要交流的内容。 | |
Excluded(4) | If the first aider is worried about someone who may be depressed, they should: let the person choose when to open up. | 如果急救人员担心对方可能罹患抑郁症, 则应让对方决定什么时候敞开心扉。 |
The first aider should not assume that the person’s symptoms are due to depression. | 急救人员不应假定对方的症状是抑郁症引起的。 | |
The first aider should not overwhelm the person with too much information or too many resources. | 急救人员不应给对方太多信息或资源, 以防对方无法消化。 | |
The first aider should be open to any opportunity that presents itself to talk about their concerns with the person. | 急救人员应抓住一切机会敞开心扉, 跟对方说明自己的顾虑。 | |
Section 3: How can I be supportive | 第三部分:如何提供支持 | |
Added(2) | The first aider should encourage the person to do more activities that they enjoy. | 急救人员应该鼓励救助对象多从事一些他们喜欢的活动。 |
The first aider should not blame themselves if the person does not get better. | 即使救助对象没有好转, 急救人员也不应为此自责。 | |
Excluded(6) | If the person says that they feel they are a weak person or a failure, the first aider should let the person know that: they don’t think the person is weak or a failure. | 如果对方说感觉自己是个软弱的人或失败者, 急救人员应让他知道急救人员不认为他软弱或失败。 |
The first aider should resist the urge to try to cure the person’s depression. | 急救人员应克制想治疗对方抑郁症的冲动。 | |
The first aider should know that often just taking the time to talk to or be with the person lets them know that someone cares. | 急救人员应明白, 只要花时间跟对方聊天或在一起, 就能让其感受到关心。 | |
The first aider should offer hope of a more positive future in whatever form the depressed person will accept. | 无论何种形式, 只要抑郁者能接受, 急救人员应给予其憧憬未来会更好。 | |
The first aider should not trivialise the person’s experiences by telling them to “put a smile on their face,” to “get their act together,” or to “lighten up”. | 急救人员不应告诉对方“笑一笑”、“振作起来”或“放松”以淡化他的经历。 | |
The first aider should not tell the person that they just need to stay busy or get out more. | 急救人员不应告诉对方要保持忙碌或多出去走走。 | |
Section 4: Communicating effectively | 第四部分:有效进行沟通 | |
Added(1) | If the person does not want to talk, the first aider should consider encouraging them to write or draw. | 如果救助对象不愿交谈, 急救人员可以鼓励其通过书写或画图来表达。 |
Excluded(1) | If the person finds it difficult to discuss their thoughts and feelings openly, the first aider should suggest an activity that may make it easier for them to talk, e.g. have a cup of tea, go for a walk. | 如果对方很难将其想法和感受说出口, 急救人员应建议一个可以让其更容易开口的活动, 如喝杯茶、散散步。 |
Section 5: Difficulties the first aider may encounter | 第五部分:急救人员可能会遇到的困难 | |
Added(0) | None | 无 |
Excluded(2) | If the person becomes angry during the conversation, the first aider should: not make assumptions about the cause of their anger. | 如果对方在交谈中变得愤怒, 急救人员应不去设想对方愤怒的起因。 |
The first aider should use the following non-verbal skills to reinforce their non-judgmental communication: sit alongside the person and angled towards them, rather than directly opposite them. | 急救人员应与对方坐在一起, 身体倾向他, 而不是坐在其对面。 | |
Section 6: Help-seeking | 第六部分:寻求帮助 | |
Added(0) | None | 无 |
Excluded(1) | The first aider should encourage the person to make a list of questions they have to discuss with the health professional at their first appointment. | 急救人员应鼓励对方在第一次就诊前, 就列出想和医务人员讨论的问题。 |
Section 7: What to do if the person doesn’t want help | 第七部分:对方不想寻求帮助怎么办 | |
Added(3) | If the person refuses to seek or accept professional help, the first aider should tell family members about any precautions to take. | 如果对方拒绝寻求或接受专业帮助, 急救人员应该告知其家属注意事项。 |
If the person refuses to seek or accept professional help, the first aider should inform the person’s family or another trusted person. | 如果对方拒绝寻求或接受专业帮助, 急救人员可以与其商量, 通知其信任的人或家属以获得帮助。 | |
If the person is not willing to seek professional help, the first aider can leave information about this with them. | 如患者目前不愿就诊, 急救人员应给患者留下就诊途径, 待患者需要时可以使用。 | |
Excluded(0) | None | 无 |
Section 8: Concerns for safety | 第八部分:安全方面考虑 | |
Added(1) | If the person is at risk of harming themselves or others, the FA should contact the person’s family to inform them about the risk. | 如果救助对象可能会伤害自己或他人, 急救人员应联系其家属或监护人, 告知风险。 |
Excluded(0) | None | 无 |
aA total number of 12 statements being added and 14 excluded across the eight sections