Reaction time tasks (Johnson et al., 1985) |
Three short visual reaction time tasks (simple, direction choice and color choice), to assess processing speed |
Accuracy and reaction times |
Raven’s progressive matrices (Raven, 1936; Raven and Court, 2014) |
Two parallel versions (for the Pre and Post1 assessments) of standard Raven’s progressive matrices, to measure general intelligence |
Accuracy and reaction times |
3-back task (based on Salat et al., 2002) |
Visual continuous performance task, to measure working memory |
Accuracy, reaction time, d’ sensitivity index [d’ = Z(hit rate) − Z(false alarm rate) as explained in Haatveit et al., 2010] |
Mental rotation task (Shepard and Metzler, 1971) |
Replicated Sheppard’s mental rotation task using 3D objects, to measure visuospatial skills |
Accuracy and response time |
Digit span task (Wechsler, 2008) |
A computerized version of the WAIS-IV digit span test presented acoustically, to measure attention span and short-term memory (forward span) and working memory (backward span) |
Digit span (forward and backward) |
Stop-switching task (Obeso et al., 2013) |
Speed task combining go, stop, and switch trials, to measure inhibition and task-switching components of executive functions |
Accuracy and reaction time for go, stop and switch trials, and stop-signal reaction time (SSRT) |
Five-point test (Tucha et al., 2012) |
The paper-and-pencil task involving the connection of patterns consisting of 5 dots under a time constraint, to measure the ability to generate alternative solutions to a problem |
Accuracy |
Matchstick test (Knoblich et al., 1999) |
Math problem-solving task involving Roman numerals made of sticks, as a measure of insight |
Accuracy, reaction time |