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. 2020 Jun 19;14:235. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00235

Table 3.

Neuropsychological assessment tasks.

Task (in the order administered) Description and assessed cognitive functions Collected data
Reaction time tasks (Johnson et al., 1985) Three short visual reaction time tasks (simple, direction choice and color choice), to assess processing speed Accuracy and reaction times
Raven’s progressive matrices (Raven, 1936; Raven and Court, 2014) Two parallel versions (for the Pre and Post1 assessments) of standard Raven’s progressive matrices, to measure general intelligence Accuracy and reaction times
3-back task (based on Salat et al., 2002) Visual continuous performance task, to measure working memory Accuracy, reaction time, d’ sensitivity index [d’ = Z(hit rate) − Z(false alarm rate) as explained in Haatveit et al., 2010]
Mental rotation task (Shepard and Metzler, 1971) Replicated Sheppard’s mental rotation task using 3D objects, to measure visuospatial skills Accuracy and response time
Digit span task (Wechsler, 2008) A computerized version of the WAIS-IV digit span test presented acoustically, to measure attention span and short-term memory (forward span) and working memory (backward span) Digit span (forward and backward)
Stop-switching task (Obeso et al., 2013) Speed task combining go, stop, and switch trials, to measure inhibition and task-switching components of executive functions Accuracy and reaction time for go, stop and switch trials, and stop-signal reaction time (SSRT)
Five-point test (Tucha et al., 2012) The paper-and-pencil task involving the connection of patterns consisting of 5 dots under a time constraint, to measure the ability to generate alternative solutions to a problem Accuracy
Matchstick test (Knoblich et al., 1999) Math problem-solving task involving Roman numerals made of sticks, as a measure of insight Accuracy, reaction time