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. 2020 Apr 29;10(12):5815–5828. doi: 10.1002/ece3.6319


Description of explanatory variables and response variables used for analysis

Variables Description Mean SD Min Max
Explanatory variables
Noncrop vegetation (Non‐cropP) Sum of percent cover of eucalyptus, other woody vegetation (including trees planted in the nursery garden), and nonwoody vegetation 10.40 6.00 3.50 22.30
Water body Total area (ha) of open water including stream, pond, and water reservoir for farming 0.42 0.69 0.00 2.89
Mean patch size (MPS, ha) Mean field size 0.08 0.02 0.05 0.13
Crop Shannon's diversity (CropH) Shannon–Wiener diversity index calculated based on the 16 genera of 23 different crops cultivated across our study area (Table S1 for the list of crops) 0.79 0.35 0.142 1.43
Noncrop habitat diversity (Non‐cropH) Shannon–Wiener diversity index calculated using the proportional cover of five noncrop habitat types: eucalyptus, other woody vegetation (such as small forest patch dominated by Chinese aspen, alder, or willow), nonwoody vegetation, water body, and old fallow 1.10 0.24 0.50 1.53
Response variables
Total species richness Total number of species detected at least once during four visits 33.50 5.33 17.00 43.00
Abundance of total species Mean number of all birds per visit 187.60 32.21 126.00 235.00
Woodland species richness Total number of woodland species detected at least once during four visits 5.40 3.03 0.00 13.00
Abundance of woodland species Mean number of birds of woodland species per visit 17.25 12.04 0.00 43.50
Agricultural land species richness Total number of agricultural land species detected at least once during four visits 12.05 1.61 9.00 15.00
Abundance of agricultural land species Mean number of birds of agricultural land species per visit 138.49 25.91 97.75 188.00
Agricultural wetland species richness Total number of agricultural wetland species detected at least once during four visits 5.65 2.58 0.00 10.00
Abundance of agricultural wetland species Mean number of birds of agricultural wetland species per visit 3.98 3.74 0.00 17.00