Representative case for Group 3. Alignment of the somatotopic map of areas S2/PV and brain sections stained for myelin in monkey SM-BB after an intermediate-term, near-complete DCL (98% complete; 49 days) at the C5 level. A. Drawing shows the reconstructed transverse view DCL in the spinal cord. B. Photomicrographs of a flattened and myelin stained section through somatosensory cortex showing the landmarks and locations of strategically placed electrolytic lesions of a, b, c, and d (marked with red stars and yellow arrows). Among these, “a”, “b”, and “c” are deep microelectrode penetrations inserted into the hand region of areas S2/PV in the upper bank of lateral sulcus. C. The reconstructed somatotopic map shows responses encountered from deep penetrations recorded in areas S2/PV. Abbreviations: IAD, inferior arcuate dimple; SAD, superior arcuate dimple. Scale bar is 5 mm in the low magnification image of panel B (left), and 1 mm in all others. Other conventions follow Figure 2.