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. 2020 Jun 25;7(1):e000373. doi: 10.1136/lupus-2019-000373

Table 5.

FACIT-F: assessment of instrument properties in SLE

Author, year Description of study Reliability Validity Responsiveness and ability to detect change MCID
Internal consistency Test-construct/ Retest Discriminant Known- groups
Furie et al, 201435 Secondary analysis of pooled data from the BLISS Trials in SLE (n=1684). Changes in clinical, laboratory and health-related quality of life measures from baseline to week 52 were compared between SRI responders and non-responders
Strand et al, 201456 Secondary analysis of two phase III RCTs in SLE, including BLISS-52 (52 weeks’ duration, n=865) and BLISS-76 (76 weeks’ duration, n=819)
Lai et al, 201152 Longitudinal validation study in SLE (n=254). The FACIT-F and other measures were administered at four time points from baseline to week 52
Goligher et al,
Cross-sectional study in SLE (n=80). Seven fatigue instruments administered to derive the MCID of the FACIT-F. Interviews were conducted to compare fatigue levels between participants

✓=Instrument property assessed in study.

FACIT-F, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue Scale; MCID, minimal clinically important difference; SRI, SLE Responder Index.