Fig. 8.
Effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) on the enrichments of miRNAs in MAM and ER fractions. Twenty-four hours following a severe TBI (n = 10 rats), rat cortical tissues were subjected to subcellular fractionation and miRNAs were quantified by RT-qPCR. Effects of TBI on mitochondria-enriched miRNAs (a), and other miRNAs that are not enriched in the mitochondrial fraction (b) (2-sample unpaired Student’s t test). The relative quantity (RQ) of miRNAs in each group was expressed as RQ = 2−(Ct-MAM − Ct-ER) (RQ equals 2 to the power of negative (Ct-MAM minus Ct-ER). Contra, contralateral cortices (uninjured); Ipsi, ipsilateral cortices (injured)