Table 1.
Comparison of FASPR with four popular side-chain packing programs on the native structures from DB379, where bold fonts mark the best performer in each category
Methoda |
recovery rate (%)/RMSD (Å) |
#Clashb | Relative timec | ||
All | Core | Surface | |||
FASPR | 69.1/1.457 | 80.3/0.983 | 56.8/1.906 | 149 | 1.00 |
CISRR | 68.6/1.526 | 81.4/0.958 | 54.8/2.022 | 60 | 44.09 |
RASP | 67.8/1.551 | 78.9/1.067 | 55.5/1.998 | 785 | 1.27 |
SCATD | 61.7/1.856 | 74.7/1.279 | 48.4/2.318 | 1388 | 4.93 |
SCWRL4 | 68.8/1.524 | 80.7/0.966 | 55.5/1.991 | 557 | 26.77 |
SCWRL4v | 67.0/1.620 | 78.9/1.061 | 54.1/2.072 | 232 | 5.11 |
SCWRL4 by default samples subrotamers and thus searches in a larger rotamer space; SCWRL4v runs the SCWRL4 program by disabling the subrotamers sampling with option “-v”. The other PSCP programs also use the Dunbrack rotamer library without sampling subrotamers.
#Clash, the total number of clashes for all the 379 packed structure models.
Reports how much slower on average the other methods are than FASPR. These values were calculated by averaging the ratio of the computational time at each column with respect to the FASPR column in Supplementary Table S10. All the programs were run on the XSEDE Comet server (Towns et al., 2014) using a single CPU [Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50 GHz].