Figure 5. The flagellar MS ring is structurally heterogenous.
a, Composite 3D cryo-EM reconstruction from a 34-fold stoichiometric subset of particles. C34 symmetry is applied within the RBM3 region, C22 within the RBM2inner region and C2 symmetry applied elsewhere. The colour scheme mimics that of Figure 1c. b, Comparison of the C33/C34 and C21/C22 regions by overlaying the complete rings using a single chain reveals the subtle differences in the sizes of the respective ring-like assemblies built. c, Despite assembling to form rings of different symmetries, the specific interactions from which they are built are entirely conserved, including potential salt bridges, in both the C33 (cyan and blue)/C34 (grey) rings (left hand panel) and the C21 (cyan and blue)/C22 (grey)rings (right hand panel).