(A) Dynamics of fibronectin protein deposition around
remnant LCs PCS. At 0 h PCS, little to no fibronectin is associated with remnant
LCs, although the outer surface of the lens capsule is fibronectin positive
(red). Fibronectin starts to deposit around αSMA positive remnant LCs by
48 h PCS (arrow), and this deposition is more marked at 5 days PCS as PCO
progresses. Fibronectin (red), αSMA (green), and DNA detected by Draq5
(blue). Scale bar-35 μm, C-lens capsule, LC-remnant lens cells.
(B) Deletion of the fibronectin gene from the developing lens.
Diagram of fibronectin gene locus showing the position of the loxP sites (left),
and PCR results from DNA obtained from 9 week old control (wildtype-WT) and
FNcKO lenses demonstrating successful deletion of the floxed fibronectin gene
fragment in FNcKO lenses (right). (C) FNcKO lenses are
morphologically similar to WT lenses. A dark field image showing that 9 week old
WT (A) and FNcKO lenses (B) are both transparent; 200-mesh electron microscopy
grid analysis of 12 week old WT (C) and FNcKO lenses (D) showing that
fibronectin null lenses have refractive properties similar to WT; Hematoxylin
and eosin (H&E) staining showing the anterior epithelium of 9 week old WT
lens (E) and FNcKO lens (F); H&E staining showing the transition zone of a 9
week old WT lens (G) and FNcKO lens (H) showing that FNcKO lenses are
structurally normal although FNcKO fibers may stain more intensely with Eosin
than WT. Abbreviations: le-lens epithelium, f - lens fiber cells, tz -
transition zone. Scale bar Panels A, B - 1.0 mm; Panels C, D - 0.5 mm; Panels E,
F, G, H – 150 μm.