Fig. 2.
Perturbing Whi5 expression using a galactose-inducible promoter has a minimal effect on the spread in cell size, generating a modest increase in CV at birth, which is not observable at Start or cell division. Cell-size distributions are compared for PGAL1-WHI5 and PWHI5-WHI5 cell types for volume at birth, at Start, and at division. Volumes were measured via time-lapse microscopy and plotted by cell type (inducible and noninducible, mothers and daughters). (A) Average size at birth. (B) CV in size at birth. (C) Average size at Start. (D) CV in size at Start. (E) Average size at division. (F) CV in size at division. Values represent the mean across three biological replicates of the relevant statistic (average or CV). Data are compiled from three experiments for each cell type with a total of 347 PGAL1-WHI5 daughters, 800 PGAL1-WHI5 mothers, 853 PWHI5-WHI5 daughters and 1,581 PWHI5-WHI5 mothers. Error bars represent the SD taken across three biological replicates. Black lines correspond to statistically significant differences with two-tailed P values less than 0.05 quoted, calculated by comparing daughters and mothers separately between cell types using a Welch’s t test across biological replicates. Dots correspond to values for individual biological replicates.