DNA cyclization j-factors computed using the proposed ECH model (green line) and WLC (blue line) are compared with recent experiment [19] (red dots, L > 60 bp). Experimental values of persistence length, Lp = 150 bp and θa = 2.2° (Figure 4) were used; the value of k in Equation (6) was obtained independently for each model as best fit against two experimental data points for fragment length L = 101 and 106 bp (see Supplementary Material). The envelopes of the j-factor (brown dashed lines) for ECH and WLC are shown in the inset. Predicted envelope for ECH j-factor has a minimum near 45 bp. The experimental data points L = 50 and L = 40 bp were shared by Taekjip Ha (see reference [19]) in private communication to assess model performance after the model had been constructed.