Tolerance of isolates of Listeria monocytogenes from subcluster Epsilon1a in Germany to benzalkonium chloride. Three representative isolates from human listeriosis clusters Epsilon1a, Epsilon1, and distinct listeriosis clusters Lambda2 (ST2, CT2402), Pi3 (ST217, CT5744), or Theta3 (ST249, CT4449) were tested for resistance to benzalkonium chloride by disc diffusion, along with 3 representative ST6 isolates, not belonging to Epsilon1. Epsilon1a and Epsilon1 isolates showed increased resistance to benzalkonium chloride. Circles, squares, and diamonds represent results of 3 independent replicates for 3 isolates per group. Asterisk indicates statistically significant differences to Epsilon1a (p<0.01) calculated by using the Student t-test. CT, complex type; Eps1, Epsilon1; Eps1a, Epsilon1a; Lam2, Lambda2; nonEps1, nonEpsilon1; ST, sequence type.