Table 2.
Refinement | |
Resolution range (highest resolution bin) (Å) | 34.23 – 1.8 (1.864 – 1.8) |
Rwork/Rfreea (%) | 15.98 / 20.83 |
r.m.s.b deviations | |
Bonds (Å) | 0.0038 |
Angles (Å) | 0.76 |
Ramachandran statistics (%) | |
Favored | 96.21 |
Allowed | 3.66 |
Disallowed | 0.13 |
Rotamer outliers (%) | 0.00 |
No. atoms | |
Macromolecules | 11763 |
Ligands | 188 |
Solvent | 756 |
B factor (Å2) | |
Macromolecules | 25.98 |
Ligands | 25.31 |
Solvent | 33.25 |
Rwork/Rfree = Σ||Fobs|-|Fcalc||/|Fobs|, where the working the free R factors are calculated by using the working and free reflection sets, respectively. The free R reflections were held aside throughout refinement.
Root mean square