Manufacturing components |
Production of raw materials
Processing of raw materials
Transport of components to factory where manufacturing takes place
Manufacturing of product |
Packaging |
Manufacture packaging
Transport of packaging to factory
Final disposal packaging (landfill, incineration, energy recovery, recycling)
Distribution and retail |
Use phase |
Transport of product from Retail/Distribution Centre to final consumer
Consumption of energy and water from the use of the product
Use of detergents and salt, if any (detergents, salt and additives (rinse off) for Dishwashers and detergents and additives – e.g. softeners, bleaching agents, etc. - for Washing machines)
Waste management, if any (e.g. wastewater treatment of product used).
Maintenance and repair |
Manufacturing of components to be substituted (production and processing of raw materials, transport of materials to factory)
Waste management of substituted components
EoL of the product |