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. 2019 Oct 30;29(6):449–464. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009396

Table 1.

Characteristics of study population

Appropriateuse score method PossibleGP use method Resourceutilisation method Total
Inappropriate ED use Appropriate ED use P value Inappropriate ED use Appropriate ED use P value Inappropriate ED use Appropriate ED use P value
n=6938 (23.59) n=22 469 (76.41) n=8052 (27.38) n=21 355 (72.62) n=3968 (13.49) n=25 439 (86.51) N=29 407
Patient characteristics
Age, years, n (%)
 15–24 1665 (24.00) 3627 (16.14) <0.0001 2018 (25.06) 3275 (15.33) <0.0001 1012 (25.50) 4280 (16.82) <0.0001 5292 (18.00)
 25–34 1414 (20.38) 3615 (16.09) 1747 (21.70) 3282 (15.37) 931 (23.46) 4098 (16.11) 5029 (17.10)
 35–44 1120 (16.14) 3191 (14.20) 1322 (16.42) 2989 (14.00) 703 (17.72) 3608 (14.18) 4311 (14.66)
 45–54 929 (13.39) 2942 (13.09) 1056 (13.11) 2815 (13.18) 583 (14.69) 3288 (12.93) 3871 (13.16)
 55–64 704 (10.15) 2573 (11.45) 774 (9.61) 2503 (11.72) 362 (9.12) 2915 (11.46) 3277 (11.14)
 65–74 459 (6,62) 2002 (8.91) 479 (5.95) 1982 (9.28) 196 (4.94) 2265 (8.90) 2461 (8.37)
 75–84 392 (5,65) 2492 (11.09) 399 (4.96) 2485 (11.64) 126 (3.18) 2758 (10.84) 2884 (9.81)
 >85 255 (3,68) 2027 (9.02) 257 (3.19) 2025 (9.48) 55 (1.39) 2227 (8.75) 2282 (7.76)
Sex, n (%)
 Male 3447 (49.68) 11 635 (51.78) 0.0056 3963 (49.22) 11 119 (52.07) <0.0001 2106 (53.07) 12 976 (51.01) 0.0086 15 082 (51.29)
 Female 3397 (48.96) 10 575 (47.06) 3986 (49.50) 9986 (46.76) 1804 (45.46) 12 168 (47.83) 13 972 (47.51)
 Missing data 94 (1.35) 259 (1.15) 103 (1.28) 250 (1.17) 58 (1.46) 295 (1.16) 353 (1.20)
Supplementary health insurance, n (%)
 None 590 (8.50) 1366 (6.08) <0.0001 650 (8.07) 1306 (6.12) <0.0001 341 (8.59) 1615 (6.35) <0.0001 1956 (6.65)
 Universal complementary health coverage 637 (9.18) 1489 (6.63) 755 (9.38) 1371 (6.42) 406 (10.23) 1720 (6.76) 2126 (7.23)
 Private 4664 (67.22) 16 373 (72.87) 5614 (69.72) 15 423 (72.22) 2548 (64.21) 18 489 (72.68) 21 037 (71.54)
 Missing data 1047 (15.09) 3241 (14.42) 1033 (12.83) 3255 (15.24) 673 (16.96) 3615 (14.21) 4288 (14.58)
Health insurance, n (%)
 None or state medical assistance 212 (3.06) 461 (2.05) <0.0001 229 (2.84) 444 (2.08) <0.0001 140 (3.53) 533 (2.10) <0.0001 673 (2.29)
 Public health insurance 6021 (86.78) 19 698 (87.67) 7161 (88.93) 18 558 (86.90) 3365 (84.80) 22 354 (87.87) 25 719 (87.46)
 Missing data 705 (10.16) 2310 (10.28) 662 (8.22) 2353 (11.02) 463 (11.67) 2552 (10.03) 3015 (10.25)
Employed status, n (%)
 Employed 2860 (41.22) 8429 (37.51) <0.0001 3641 (45.22) 7648 (35.81) <0.0001 1737 (43.78) 9552 (37.55) <0.0001 11 289 (38.39)
 Unemployed 624 (8.99) 1438 (6.40) 695 (8.63) 1367 (6.40) 390 (9.83) 1672 (6.57) 2062 (7.01)
 Inactive 2504 (36.09) 9702 (43.18) 2762 (34.30) 9444 (44.22) 1199 (30.22) 11 007 (43.27) 12 206 (41.51)
 Missing data 950 (13.69) 2900 (12.91) 954 (11.85) 2896 (13.56) 642 (16.68) 3208 (12.61) 3850 (13.09)
Level of education, n (%)
 High-school graduation or less 4436 (63.94) 13 867 (61.72) 0.0026 5225 (64.89) 12 078 (61.24) <0.0001 2446 (61.64) 15 857 (62.33) 0.4834 18 303 (62.24)
 More than high school graduation 1048 (15.11) 3516 (15.65) 1328 (16.49) 3236 (15.15) 641 (16.15) 3923 (15.42) 4564 (15.52)
 Missing data 1454 (20.96) 5086 (22.64) 1499 (18.62) 5041 (23.61) 881 (22.20) 5659 (22.25) 6540 (22.24)
Residence, n (%)
 Home 6100 (87.92) 19 497 (86.77) <0.0001 7299 (90.65) 18 298 (85.68) <0.0001 3477 (87.63) 22 129 (86.95) <0.0001 25 597 (87.04)
 Institution 163 (2.35) 892 (3.97) 142 (1.76) 913 (4.28) 49 (1.23) 1006 (3.95) 1055 (3.59)
 Other 675 (9.73) 2080 (9.26) 611 (7.59) 2144 (10.04) 442 (11.14) 2313 (9.09) 2755 (9.37)
Having a GP, n (%)
 Yes 5930 (85.47) 19 816 (88.19) <0.0001 7025 (87.25) 18 721 (87.67) <0.0001 3222 (81.20) 22 524 (88.54) <0.0001 25 746 (87.55)
 No 603 (8.69) 1334 (5.94) 665 (8.26) 1272 (5.96) 387 (9.75) 1550 (6.09) 1937 (6.59)
 Missing data 405 (5.84) 1319 (5.87) 362 (4.50) 1362 (6.38) 359 (9.05) 1365 (5.37) 1724 (5.86)
ED visit characteristics
Chief complaint of ED visit, n (%)
 Medical complaint 4622 (66.62) 13 107 (58.33) <0.0001 5250 (65.20) 12 479 (58.44) <0.0001 2702 (68.09) 15 027 (59.07) <0.0001 17 729 (60.29)
 Traumatic injury 1746 (25.16) 7322 (32.59) 2335 (29.00) 6733 (31.53) 773 (19.48) 8295 (32.61) 9068 (30.84)
 Missing data 570 (8.22) 2040 (9.08) 467 (5.80) 2143 (10.04) 493 (12.42) 2117 (8.32) 2610 (8.88)
Onset of complaint, n (%)
 The day of ED visit 2638 (38.02) 11 713 (52.13) <0.0001 3577 (44.42) 10 774 (50.45) <0.0001 1607 (40.50) 12 744 (50.10) <0.0001 14 351 (48.80)
 Before the day of ED visit 3773 (54.38) 8866 (39.46) 4058 (50.40) 8581 (40.18) 1907 (48.06) 10 732 (42.19) 12 639 (42.98)
 Missing data 527 (7.60) 1890 (8.41) 417 (5.18) 2000 (9.37) 454 (11.44) 1963 (7.72) 2417 (8.22)
Time of ED arrival, n (%)
 08:00–20:00 5069 (73.06) 16 682 (74.24) 0.0496 5731 (71.17) 16 020 (75.02) <0.0001 2689 (67.77) 19 062 (74.93) <0.0001 21 751 (73.97)
 20:00–08:00 1869 (26.94) 5787 (25.76) 2321 (28.83) 5335 (24.98) 1279 (32.23) 6377 (25.07) 7656 (26.03)
Distance from home to ED, n (%)
 ≤10 km 4372 (63.02) 13 129 (58.43) <0.0001 5102 (63.36) 12 399 (58.06) <0.0001 2601 (65.55) 14 900 (58.57) <0.0001 17 501 (59.51)
 >10 km 2386 (34.39) 8740 (38.90) 2751 (34.17) 8375 (39.22) 1267 (31.93) 9859 (38.76) 11 126 (37.83)
 Missing data 180 (2.59) 600 (2.67) 199 (2.47) 581 (2.72) 100 (2.52) 680 (2.67) 780 (2.65)
Type of resources used, n (%)
 Radiological imaging 2052 (29.58) 12 681 (56.44) <0.0001 2527 (31.38) 12 206 (57.16) <0.0001 ** ** 14 733 (50.10)
 Blood tests 1511 (21.78) 11 328 (50.42) <0.0001 1940 (24.09) 10 899 (51.04) <0.0001 ** ** 12 839 (43.66)
 Therapeutic care 1702 (24.53) 11 254 (50.09) <0.0001 2359 (29.30) 10 597 (49.62) <0.0001 ** ** 12 956 (44.06)
Inappropriateness in other measures, n (%)
 Appropriate use score method ** ** 4800 (59.61) 2138 (10.01) 2303 (58.04) 4625 (18.20) 6938 (23.59)
 GP possible use method 4800 (69.18) 3252 (14.47) ** ** 2463 (62.07) 5573 (21.93) 8052 (27.38)
 Resource utilisation method 2303 (33.19) 1665 (7.41) 2463 (30.59) 1505 (7.05) ** ** 3968 (13.49)

ED, emergency department; GP, general practitioner.