Figure 1.
Analysis of S2 subunit of SARS-nCoV-2 interaction with tumor suppressor proteins. (A) Interaction between S2 Subunit of nCoV (Green color PDB ID: 6LXT [4] asp 1165, leu 1166, asn 1173) with p53 protein (Cyan color PDB ID: 3EXJ [7] thr 281, arg 270, arg 277, his 175) (B) Interaction between S2 Subunit of nCoV (Green color PDB ID: 6LXT [4] asp 1165, gly 1171, asn 1173) with BRCA-1 protein (Cyan color PDB ID: 4Y18 [8] lys 1648, arg 1649, his 1672) (C) Interaction between S2 Subunit of nCoV (Green color PDB ID: 6LXT [4] asp 1165, leu 1166, ser 1175) with BRCA-2 protein (Cyan color PDB ID: 3EU7 [9] glu 916, leu 938, arg 1117). HR: hepted repeat. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)