Clonal distribution analysis of Campylobacter spp. (A) Minimum spanning tree based on MLST data from 193 Campylobacter strains. Sources are distinguished by color differences (chicken, red; duck, blue; diarrheal patient, yellow). Different circles correspond to different STs. Size of circle indicates number of isolates within the same ST, and thickness of the branches represents the degree of similarity among Campylobacter tested. A bold solid line indicates that one allele is different according to the length. Two to three allele differences are represented by a thin solid line, and four is indicated by a wide-interval dotted line. A narrow-interval dotted line shows that there is a five-allele difference between STs. Nodes with fewer than three different alleles have been placed in the same cluster. Most STs in the circle of C. coli are assigned to CC-828, except ST-9625, ST-9440, ST-7263, and ST-1450. Asterisk indicates newly designated ST in this study. (B) Proportion of MLST clonal complexes in each source. UA, unassigned ST.