Figure 3.
Titration of DNA pools using sUMI-seq. PCR (a) Schematic of titration experiment: To test the quantitative nature of sUMI-seq, a dilution series was performed of a peripheral blood (PB) DNA sample, from a chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patient, mixed with the synthetic barcoded BCR DNA fragment library at varying ratios. sUMI-seq PCR was applied, again using either 5, 10, or 20 cycles in PCR1. (b) DNA agarose gel showing the BCR amplification of a titration of a CLL patient PB DNA sample into synthetic barcoded BCR fragments using 5 cycles in PCR1 and (c) the corresponding linear correlation between CLL DNA patient input and proportion of CLL BCR sequencing reads after accounting for primer barcodes based on PCR1 cycles.