Figure 6.
Local applications of BAPTA induce rhythmic burst firing in NVsnpr neurons. (A) Left: membrane responses of an NVsnpr neuron (top traces) to injections of depolarizing and hyperpolarizing current pulses (bottom traces). Right top: spontaneous activity recorded in an NVsnpr neuron (inset bottom enlargement showing the biphasic after hyperpolarization (AHP). Right bottom: example of the rebound firing observed at the offset of membrane hyperpolarization. (B) Top: scatter plot of the inter-spike interval prior, along with and after local application of BAPTA at the NVsnpr neuron resting potential. The pattern of firing gradually progresses from tonic to bursting along the course of BAPTA application (Bottom traces). (C) Upon membrane hyperpolarization, the BAPTA application directly causes burst firing (inset) in the NVsnpr neuron. (D) Percentage of NVsnpr cells in which bursting was induced by local BAPTA applications at their RMP or upon imposed hyperpolarization. Abbreviations: NVsnpr, trigeminal main sensory nucleus; APs, action potentials; RMP, resting membrane potential.