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. 2020 Jun 29;20:1022. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-09126-1

Table 1.

Literature characteristics. Characteristics of the included literature

Author (Year) Title Publisher (Document type) Type of evidence Underpinning theory/ framework used to frame analysis Commercial Determinants of Health term(s) used
Buse & Hawkes (2015) [13] Health in the Sustainable Development Goals: ready for a paradigm shift? Globalization and Health (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive review of evidence base for the health-related targets in the (then) proposed Sustainable Development Goals in relation to disease burden and feasibility of interventions to achieve targets. None Commercial determinants of ill-health; and ‘Profit-driven-diseases’ and their commercial determinants
Buse, Tanaka & Hawkes (2017) [16] Healthy people and healthy profits? Elaborating a conceptual framework for governing the commercial determinants of non-communicable diseases and identifying options for reducing risk exposure Globalization and Health (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive analysis of conceptual framework and related health governance literature. Uses an existing conceptual framework designed to classify the involvement of the commercial sector in global governance for health. The framework presents three models of interaction between public and private sectors: self-regulation by industry; regulation through partnership; and regulation of the private sector by the public sector. Commercial determinants of NCDs; commercial determinants of health; and commercial determinants of ill-health
Collins, Mikkelsen, & Axelrod (2019) [23] Interact, engage or partner? Working with the private sector for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive paper describing the role of the private sector in noncommunicable disease prevention and control None NCD risk factors and their underlying social and commercial determinants
Franz & Kickbusch (2018) [24] The Capital-NCD-Nexus: The commercial determinants of health and global capital flows Eurohealth (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive article discussing the role of global capital flows for health and noncommunicable diseases None Commercial determinants of health
Freudenberg & Galea (2008) [6] The impact of corporate practices on health: Implications for health policy Journal of Public Health Policy (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive case studies (n = 3) of trans fats, sports utility vehicles, and a painkiller to examine the role of corporate policies and practices in the production of health and disease, and suggest policy implications. None Corporations as a social determinant of health
Freudenberg & Galea (2007) [25] Corporate Practices (In Macrosocial Determinants of Population Health) Springer (Book Chapter) Narrative and descriptive literature review of corporate practices that harm health with proposed conceptual model focusing on six industries. Presents an original conceptual model of the influences of corporate practices on health. Corporations as a social determinant of health
Hastings (2015) [9] Public health and the value of disobedience Public Health (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive application of concepts from historic philosophical writings to modern day public health challenges, including corporate marketing. Uses Etienne de la Boétie’s work on ‘Voluntary Servitude’ to explore power and public health. Commercial determinants of ill health
Hastings (2012) [5] Why corporate power is a public health priority BMJ (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive discussion of corporate power, and especially corporate marketing, as a public health priority. None Commercial determinants of ill-health
International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations, Team of Officials (2017) [26] IFMSA Policy Non-Communicable Diseases International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (Policy statement) Policy statement incorporating discussion of literature as rationale (evidence) for position. None Commercial determinants of health
Ireland et al. (2019) [27] Commercial determinants of health and sport sponsorship Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive discussion of sport sponsorship as a commercial determinant of health None Commercial determinants of health
Kadandale, Marten, & Smith (2019) [28] The palm oil industry and noncommunicable diseases Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive paper using the Kickbusch et al. (2016) CDoH framework to frame analysis of the palm oil industry Uses Kickbusch et al. (2016) commercial determinants of health framework to frame analysis Commercial determinants of health
Kickbusch (2015) [14] Addressing the commercial determinants is critical to emerging economies Ciencia & Saude Coletiva (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive brief article describing need for emerging economies to take the lead in addressing the commercial determinants of health due to the unequal effect on these societies. None Commercial determinants of health
Kickbusch (2013) [29] A Game Change in Global Health: The Best Is Yet to Come Public Health Reviews (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive article discussing the need for a better-equipped (health) governance system to improve health, address commercial determinants, and reduce inequalities. None Commercial determinants of NCDs; and commercial determinants of health
Kickbusch (2012) [18] Addressing the interface of the political and commercial determinants of health Health Promotion International (Journal editorial) Narrative and descriptive article describing the need to address the political and commercial determinants of health in order to continue to move the health agenda forward. None Commercial determinants of health
Kickbusch, Allen & Franz (2016) [19] The commercial determinants of health The Lancet Global Health (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive article to introduce a new definition of the commercial determinants of health and present an associated framework. Presents and describes a framework depicting the dynamics that constitute the commercial determinants of health. Commercial determinants of health
Kickbusch & Szabo (2014) [30] A new governance space for health Global Health Action (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive article describing need for global public goods for health and a rules-based and reliably financed global public health domain to promote global health. None Commercial determinants of global health; and commercial determinants of health
Knai et al. (2018) [31] Systems Thinking as a Framework for Analyzing Commercial Determinants of Health The Millbank Quarterly (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive drawing on a systems thinking framework to frame discussion Uses Donella Meadows’s systems thinking framework Commercial determinants of health; commercial determinants of NCDs
Kosinska & Ostlin (2016) [32] Building systematic approaches to intersectoral action in the WHO European Region Public Health Panorama (Magazine editorial) Narrative and descriptive overview of the magazine issue and the commercial determinants of health, with reference to the Sustainable Development Goals and the Health 2020 agenda. None Commercial determinants of health
Madureira Lima & Galea (2018) [33] Corporate practices and health: a framework and mechanisms Globalization and Health (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive article to introduce a framework for mapping corporate activity. Uses Steven Lukes’s three-dimensional view of power to study the practices deployed by commercial interests to foster consumption. Presents a framework to study corporations and commercial interests as a distal, structural, societal factor that causes disease and injury. Deaths worldwide … attributable to behavioral risk factors that, at their core, have the consumption of unhealthful products and exposures produced by profit driven commercial entities; and commercial interests as distal, structural, societal factors that cause disease and injury
McKee & Stuckler (2018) [34] Revisiting the Corporate and Commercial Determinants of Health American Journal of Public Health (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive article outlining the emergence of the commercial determinants of health, how corporations influence health, and how public health professionals can respond to this power. None Corporate and commercial determinants of health
Millar (2013) [15] The corporate determinants of health: How big business affects our health, and the need for government action! Canadian Journal of Public Health (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive commentary describing the effect corporations have on health in Canada and the government action needed to protect consumers and reduce harm. None Corporate determinants of health
Public Health Association of Australia (2018) [35] What are the determinants of health? Public Health Association of Australia (Web article) Narrative and descriptive document describing the determinants of health, including the social, ecological, political, commercial, and cultural determinants with reference to relevant literature. None Commercial determinants of health
Smith, Buse & Gordon (2016) [36] Civil society: the catalyst for ensuring health in the age of sustainable development Globalization and Health (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive article using illustrative examples to discuss how civil society can contribute to global health. None Commercial determinants of health
Smith, Dorfman, Freudenberg, Hawkins, Hilton, Razum & Weishaar (2016) [37] Tobacco, Alcohol, and processed Food industries – Why Do public Health practitioners View Them So Differently? Frontiers in Public Health (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive opinion piece on how public health should engage with commercial interests in tackling the NCD epidemic. None Social determinants of NCDs
Sula-Raxhimi, Butzbach, & Brousselle, (2019) [38] Planetary health: countering commercial and corporate power The Lancet Planetary Health (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive and presents a framework for countering the effects of corporate power and commercial determinants of health Presents a framework for countering the effects of corporate power and commercial determinants of health, inspired by ecological determinants of health and commercial determinants of health frameworks Commercial determinants of health
Thorn (2018) [39] Addressing power and politics through action on the commercial determinants of health Health Promotion Journal of Australia (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive opinion piece on power and politics as relevant to the commercial determinants of health None Commercial determinants of health
Thurley (2017) [40] Explaining the links between Commercial Determinants of Health and Chronic Diseases European Public Health Alliance (Web editorial) Narrative and descriptive editorial introducing and contextualizing the commercial determinants of health and promoting the European Public Health Alliance 2017 Annual Conference. None Commercial determinants of health
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (2016) [41] Report of the expert meeting in preparation for HLPF 2017 on readying institutions and policies for integrated approaches to implementation of the 2030 Agenda United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (Meeting report) Descriptive report highlighting the issues raised during the meeting attended by representatives from UN Member States, international organizations, academia and major groups and other stakeholders, with a focus on the Sustainable Development Goals. None Corporate determinants of health
West & Marteau (2013) [42] Commentary on Casswell (2013): The commercial determinants of health Addiction (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive commentary in response to Casswell 58 describing the commercial determinants of health in relation to the alcohol industry. None Commercial determinants of health
Wiist (2006) [43] Public health and the anticorporate movement: Rationale and recommendations Government, Politics, and Law (Journal article) Narrative and descriptive article discussing the possible links between the anti-corporate movement and public health in order to improve health. None The corporate entity as a social structural determinant of disease
World Health Organization (2017) [44] 2. Convening to overcome commercial determinants of health (In Report of the Regional Director: The work of WHO in the Western Pacific Region 1 July 2016–30 June 2017) World Health Organization (Report section) Narrative and descriptive chapter describing the effect of the commercial determinants of health on diet and the need to address these to improve health outcomes. None Commercial determinants of health
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (2016) [45] Good governance for the health and well-being of all children and adolescents World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (Conference paper) Narrative and descriptive thematic paper describing the need for governance to promote health and wellbeing in children and adolescents. None Commercial determinants of health

Source: Texts included for systematic review