Fig. 1.
SG proteins accumulate in adult Drosophila intestinal progenitor cells. (A–J) Confocal micrographs of posterior midguts stained for (A) AGO1, (B) ATX2::GFP, (C) DCR2, (D) FMRP, (E) LIN-28::Cherry, (F) ROX8, (G) CAPR, (H) RIN, (I) eIF4E and (J) PABP. 3Xgbe-smGFP::V5::nls (green in A,C–J) and gbe-LacZ (green in B) label enteroblast cells, HRP (white) labels both EBs and ISCs, and the DNA-dye DAPI (blue) labels all cells. Grayscale images of each stained protein are also shown in A′–J′, with a higher magnification image of progenitor pairs marked with yellow dotted outlines shown in A″–J″. Cells labeled with a yellow asterisk (*) in A″–J″ are gbe+, HRP+ enteroblasts while neighboring gbe−, HRP+ cells are ISCs.