Pulse sequence description. The FA (A), TR (B), and RF PH (C) used during acquisition of each time frame of the proposed method are shown. During the first 900 time frames, three bSSFP-based blocks of excitations are using parameters identical to previously established bSSFP-MRF, including the use of alternated phase cycling. During the latter 2100 time frames, seven quadratic RF (qRF) blocks of excitations are acquired using low FA, constant TR, and quadratic PH acquisition parameters. The resulting off-resonance frequency position of high T2*-sensitive bands (D), calculated using Eq. (2), are shown for the first 1800 frames. Two example signal evolutions (E), differing only in δf value, are shown to illustrate signal behavior caused by the addition of quadratic phase RF. During quadratic RF lobes, high-amplitude signals from isochromats develop whenever resonance bands intersect the respective δf value