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. 2020 Jun 23;11:1540. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01540


Association between variables related to information about the COVID-19 pandemic and the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as mental health status during the pandemic (N = 3055).

Variables N (%) Impact of event Stress Anxiety Depression

M (SD) t/F* p g2* M (SD) t/F* p g2* M (SD) t/F* p g2* M (SD) t/F* p g2*
Main source of information
TV 1244 (40.7) 28.80 (19.55)a 3.081 <0.01 0.01 10.87 (10.08)a 2.491 0.02 0.01 6.27 (8.19)a 2.531 0.01 0.01 9.91 (10.05)ad 4.811 <0.001 0.01
Written press (digital/paper) 614 (20.1) 27.30 (19.68)ab 11.67 (10.67)a 6.34 (8.88)a 9.62 (10.03)ad
Radio 98 (3.2) 22.70 (17.66)b 7.90 (7.41)b 3.41 (6.39)b 6.67 (7.48)bc
Social media 751 (24.6) 29.08 (19.02)a 11.59 (9.78)a 6.67 (7.99)a 11.20 (10.37)a
Messaging apps 165 (5.4) 24.84 (16.37)ab 9.96 (9.50)ab 6.12 (8.07)ab 8.35 (8.97)cd
Family, friends or coworkers 116 (3.8) 25.98 (18.28)ab 10.29 (9.80)ab 4.78 (6.62)ab 8.62 (9.42)abc
Official sources 30 (1) 23.00 (16.95)ab 11.13 (11.43)ab 6.60 (8.92)ab 8.20 (8.98)abc
No specific source or other 37 (1.2) 25.00 (20.32)ab 10.38 (9.43)ab 5.95 (7.80)ab 7.03 (6.66)cd
Need for more information
No 1706 (55.8) 26.34 (18.44) −5.181 <0.001 0.19 10.49 (9.67) −3.361 <0.01 0.12 5.47 (7.53) −5.671 <0.001 0.21 9.46 (9.65) −2.601 0.01 0.10
Yes 1349 (44.2) 29.99 (19.98) 11.73 (10.44) 7.18 (8.87) 10.41 (10.36)
Satisfaction with information
Very dissatisfied 355 (11.6) 31.82 (20.94)a 16.591 <0.001 0.02 12.74 (11.07)a 19.101 <0.001 0.02 7.95 (9.69)a 16.251 <0.001 0.02 11.33 (11.12)a 10.741 <0.001 0.01
Somewhat dissatisfied 884 (28.9) 30.14 (19.64)a 12.52 (10.30)a 6.98 (8.38)a 10.77 (10.20)a
Somewhat satisfied 1358 (44.5) 26.81 (18.71)b 10.35 (9.69)b 5.90 (8.04)b 9.55 (9.81)b
Very satisfied 458 (15) 24.11 (17.39)c 8.913 (9.03)c 4.41 (6.44)c 8.02 (8.70)c
Hours getting information (last 24 h)
Less than 1h 583 (19.1) 25.54 (18.56)a 11.801 <0.001 0.02 9.97 (9.60)a 6.231 <0.001 0.01 5.46 (7.94)a 7.721 <0.001 0.01 9.17 (9.41) 2.831 0.02 0
1–2 h 1163 (38.1) 26.62 (18.51)a 10.66 (9.72)ac 5.73 (7.71)a 9.67 (9.79)
2–3 h 643 (21) 28.26 (18.61)ab 11.06 (9.69)abc 6.36 (8.26)ab 9.80 (9.80)
3–5 h 385 (12.6) 31.52 (19.87)bc 12.64 (10.88)bd 7.29 (8.71)b 10.86 (10.75)
Over 5h 281 (9.2) 32.86 (22.20)c 12.58 (11.35)cd 8.09 (9.34)b 11.08 (11.02)

* Differences in mean level between categories of dichotomous variables were assessed via t-test and Hedges’ g effect size statistic was obtained (interpretation: negligible < 0.20 < small < 0.50 < medium < 0.80 < large). For multiple-category variables, one-way ANOVAs were used, and categories with a different superscript letter show a significant difference between them in the psychological impact variable mean. In these cases, the effect size was assessed via η2 (interpretation: negligible < 0.01 < small < 0.06 < medium < 0.14 < large). 1Homoscedascity could not be assumed for these variables and thus the t-test results adjusted for non-homogeneous variances were used, and in the case of ANOVAS, post hoc Games-Howell tests were used.