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. 2019 Sep 18;10:14. doi: 10.1186/s43008-019-0017-3

Looks can be deceiving: the deceptive milkcaps (Lactifluus, Russulaceae) exhibit low morphological variance but harbour high genetic diversity

Lynn Delgat 1,, Glen Dierickx 1, Serge De Wilde 1, Claudio Angelini 2,3, Eske De Crop 1, Ruben De Lange 1, Roy Halling 4, Cathrin Manz 5, Jorinde Nuytinck 6, Annemieke Verbeken 1
PMCID: PMC7325672  PMID: 32647618


The ectomycorrhizal genus Lactifluus is known to contain many species complexes, consisting of morphologically very similar species, which can be considered cryptic or pseudocryptic. In this paper, a thorough molecular study is performed of the clade around Lactifluus deceptivus (originally described by Peck from North America) or the deceptive milkcaps. Even though most collections were identified as L. deceptivus, the clade is shown to contain at least 15 species, distributed across Asia and America, indicating that the L. deceptivus clade represents a species complex. These species are morphologically very similar and are characterized by a tomentose pileus with thin-walled hyphae and a velvety stipe with thick-walled hyphae. An ITS1 sequence was obtained through Illumina sequencing for the lectotype of L. deceptivus, dating from 1885, revealing which clade represents the true L. deceptivus. In addition, it is shown that three other described species also belong to the L. deceptivus clade: L. arcuatus, L. caeruleitinctus and L. mordax, and molecularly confirmed that L. tomentoso-marginatus represents a synonym of L. deceptivus. Furthermore, two new Neotropical species are described: Lactifluus hallingii and L. domingensis.

Keywords: Basidiomycota, Russulales, Lactifluus sect. Albati, Taxonomy, Phylogeny, New taxa


Lactifluus is a genus of ectomycorrhizal fungi which has its main distribution in the tropics. More than in Lactarius, the genus in which Lactifluus representatives used to be included (Buyck et al. 2008), it is known for its high molecular diversity, with many species complexes occurring throughout the genus (Stubbe 2012; Van de Putte 2012; De Crop 2016). These species complexes consist of several closely related species, with limited morphological variability, making them hard to distinguish from each other.

A good example of such species complexes can be found in Lactifluus section Albati. Species in this section are characterized by large white basidiocarps, a velutinous cap, an acrid taste of the context, the presence of macrocystidia and a pileipellis consisting of hyphae, without isodiametric cells. This section was first thought to contain only temperate representatives, with species known from Europe and North America. More recently, some Asian species belonging to this section were discovered, expanding its known distribution across the Northern hemisphere (Wen and Ying 2005; Le et al. 2007b).

The section contains two distinct clades: one with L. vellereus, and another with L. deceptivus. The L. vellereus clade contains the European L. vellereus and L. bertillonii, the North American L. subvellereus and the Asian L. pilosus and L. puberulus, in addition to a myriad of names at the variety level. In contrast, L. deceptivus is described from North America. The also North American L. tomentoso-marginatus was synonymized with L. deceptivus based on morphological study of the type specimens (Montoya and Bandala 2005). However, molecular data suggested that specimens identified as L. deceptivus represented several species, and a detailed molecular study is imperative to resolve the species boundaries in this complex. Therefore, a phylogeny based on multiple loci of the L. deceptivus clade was constructed in this paper, including samples from different biogeographic regions.



Samples were included from sampling expeditions to the United States of America (2005), Canada (2007), Vietnam (2011), Dominican Republic (2016–2017) and Panama (2018). In addition, loans were requested from the NY, NYS, FLAS and MICH herbaria. Type specimens of described species that (could) belong to L. sect. Albati were requested, but of these the type of L. caeruleitinctus was in too poor condition for sequencing. For L. deceptivus, no type was designated in the original description. However, Hesler and Smith (1979) indirectly designated a lectotype, and this collection, in addition to five other collections mentioned in the studied material were requested.

Morphological analysis

Macroscopic characters were observed from fresh material with colour codes referring to Kornerup and Wanscher (1978). Microscopic characters were observed from dried material. Basidiospores were mounted in Melzer’s reagent and hymenium, pileipellis and stipitipellis were studied in Congo red in L4. The basidiospore measurements (i.e. length, width and Q = quotient of length and width) are given as [Ava-2 × SDa]–Ava–Avb–[Avb + 2 × SDb], in which Ava = lowest mean value for the measured specimens, Avb = greatest mean value, SDa/b = standard deviation of the measurements with the lowest and greatest mean value respectively (number of spores measured per specimen = 20). Basidiospores were measured in side view without ornamentation. Measurements of basidia, cystidia and marginal cells are given as [Av-2 × SD]–Av–[Av + 2 × SD], based on minimum 47 measurements per species. Measurements of basidia do not include sterigmata. Line drawings of spores were made based on stacked photographs (Nikon Eclipse Ni-U, stacking software: Extended Depth of Field, Nikon Nis Elements module) 5000× magnified, those of other elements and sections were made with the aid of a drawing tube at magnification 1500× (Olympus cx31 microscope).

Molecular analysis

DNA was extracted from fresh material preserved in CTAB (Cetyl trimethylammonium bromide) using the CTAB extraction described in Nuytinck and Verbeken (2003). A modified CTAB protocol (Tel-Zur et al. 1999; mod. by Agentschap Plantentuin Meise) was used for dried collections. PCR amplification protocols follow Le et al. (2007a). Two nuclear markers were amplified: (1) the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA (ITS), comprising the ITS1 and ITS2 spacer regions and the ribosomal gene 5.8S, using primers ITS1F and ITS4, in addition to primers ITS5, ITS2 and 58SF for problematic material (White et al. 1990; Gardes and Bruns 1993; Tedersoo et al. 2013), and (2) the region between the conserved domains 6 and 7 of the second largest subunit of the RNA polymerase II (RPB2), using primers bRPB2-6F and fRPB2-7cR (Liu et al. 1999; Matheny 2005).

PCR products were sequenced using an automated ABI 3730 XL capillary sequencer (Life Technology) at Macrogen. Forward and reverse sequences were assembled into contigs and edited with Sequencher v5.0 (Gene Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A.) or BioloMICS (BioAware SA NV).

For the 134-year-old type specimen of L. deceptivus, Illumina MiSeq sequencing was chosen as an alternative to conventional Sanger sequencing to overcome the high fragmentation of the ancient DNA and the occurrence of non-target DNA from fungal contaminants. Also, type specimens of L. mordax and L. tomentoso-marginatus were sequenced with this method. Amplification of the ITS1 region was carried out using a two-step PCR process. In the first PCR, universal ITS1-F/ITS2 primers extended with Nextera™ tails (Illumina) were used following the same settings as detailed in Le et al. (2007a). After a DNA quantity and quality check, the PCR product was cleaned up with the NucleoMag NGS Clean-up and Size Select kit (Machery-Nagel). In the second PCR, a Nextera™ XT label (Illumina) was added to the amplicon under the following conditions: 3 μL of template DNA, 1 μL of each primer (10 pmol/μL), and 15 μL of Master Mix for a final volume of 20 μL. Amplification conditions were: 95 °C for 10 min, 8 cycles of 30 s at 95 °C, 60 s at 55 °C and 30 s at 72 °C, followed by 7 min at 72 °C. After quantification and clean-up, the sample was sent to BaseClear (Leiden, the Netherlands) for paired-end sequencing using the Illumina MiSeq technology (2 × 300 bp) amongst a batch of other amplicons with different Nextera™ labels.

The Illumina sequence reads were processed using the Naturalis Galaxy v.19.01 instance. The reads were demultiplexed on their unique tag to isolate the reads from specific specimens. R1 and R2 reads from paired-end sequencing were merged with FLASH (Magoc and Salzberg, 2011) with the minimum overlap size set at 100 bp. Reads shorter than 250 bp or with more than 8 consecutive N’s or a Phred score lower than 28 were discarded and primers were trimmed with Cutadapt (Martin 2011). After a quality control step with PRINSEQ (Schmieder and Edwards 2011), the sequences were dereplicated, sorted by size and clustered in zero-radius OTU’s with the UNOISE algorithm (Edgar and Flyvbjerg 2015; Edgar 2016) to denoise the amplicon reads. Chimera sequences were removed with the VSEARCH UCHIME algorithm (Edgar et al. 2011). Each zero-radius OTU was then taxonomically assigned by using a BLASTN search (Altschul et al. 1997) against the UNITE and GenBank databases. An OTU abundance table was created and combined with the taxonomic assignments.

The dataset was supplemented with closely related sequences retrieved from GenBank and worldwide reference sequences from De Crop et al. (2017) (Table 1). Metadata of collections in the L. deceptivus complex are given in Table 2. Sequences were aligned online in the multiple sequence alignment program MAFFT v7 (Katoh and Toh 2008), using the E-INS-I strategy. Trailing ends were trimmed and the alignment was manually edited where needed in Mega 6 (Tamura et al. 2013). The ITS+LSU alignment was partitioned into partial 18S, ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2 and partial 28S. The RPB2 alignment was partitioned into the intron and the first, second and third codon positions of the exon. PartitionFinder was used to find the appropriate partitioning scheme (Lanfear et al. 2017). Maximum likelihood (ML) analyses, using RAxML v8.0.24 (Stamatakis 2014), were combined with the Rapid Bootstrapping algorithm with 1000 replicates under the GTRCAT option (Stamatakis et al. 2008). There was no supported conflict between the separate gene trees, so they were concatenated. The concatenated alignment can be obtained from the first author or TreeBASE (ID 24889). All analyses were conducted on the CIPRES Science Gateway (Miller et al. 2010).

Table 1.

Specimens and GenBank accession numbers of DNA sequences used in the molecular analyses

Species Number Fungarium ITS RPB2
Amylostereum laevigatum CBS 623.84 CBS AY781246 AY218469
Auriscalpium vulgare PBM 944 WTU DQ911613 AY218472
Bondarzewia montana AFTOL 452 DAOM DQ200923 AY218474
Echinodontium tinctorium AFTOL 455 DAOM AY854088 AY218482
Heterobasidion annosum AFTOL 470 DAOM DQ206988 AH013701
Lactarius fuliginosus MTB 97–24 GENT JQ446111 JQ446240
Lactarius hatsudake FH 12–052 GENT KR364085 KR364285
Lactarius leoninus DS 07–454 GENT KF220055 JN375592
Lactarius miniatescens AV 11–177 GENT KR364059 KR364315
Lactarius olympianus ED 08–018 GENT KR364089 KR364320
Lactarius pseudodeceptivus Smith 71,932 MICH MK931348
Lactarius pseudodeceptivus Smith 29,178 MICH MK931349
Lactarius pseudodeceptivus Smith 89,282 MICH MK931350
Lactarius scrobiculatus JN 2001–058 GENT KF432968 KR364344
Lactarius tenellus ADK 3598 GENT KF133280 KF133345
Lactifluus acrissimus EDC 11–112 GENT KR364041 KR364254
Lactifluus allardii JN 2004–008 GENT KF220016 KF220217
Lactifluus arcuatus FLAS-F-16366 FLAS MK931344
Lactifluus arcuatus FLAS-F-60197 FLAS MF153025 MK937138
Lactifluus aurantiifolius AV 94–063 GENT KR364017
Lactifluus bertillonii JN 2012–016 GENT KR364087 KR364261
Lactifluus brachystegiae AV 99–002 GENT KR364018 KR364262
Lactifluus caeruleitinctus FLAS-F-59238 FLAS MK931345
Lactifluus clarkeae MN 2004002 L KR364011 KR364268
Lactifluus cocosmus ADK 4462 GENT KR364013 KR364269
Lactifluus deceptivus AV 05–275 GENT MK931336
Lactifluus deceptivus Smith 84,511 MICH MK931351
Lactifluus deceptivus PC BB2004–259 PC EU598200
Lactifluus deceptivus NYS-F-000959 NYS MN251093
Lactifluus densifolius AV 11–111 GENT KR364057 KR364273
Lactifluus domingensis ANGE542 JBSD MK931339 MK937130
Lactifluus domingensis ANGE1035 JBSD MK931340 MK937131
Lactifluus domingensis ANGE838 JBSD MK931341 MK937132
Lactifluus domingensis ANGE837 JBSD MK931342 MK937133
Lactifluus edulis FN 05–628 GENT KR364020 KR364275
Lactifluus foetens ADK 3688 MEISE KR364022 KR364278
Lactifluus gerardii AV 05–375 GENT GU258254 GU258353
Lactifluus gymnocarpus EDC 12–047 GENT KR364065 KR364282
Lactifluus hallingii FH 18–077 GENT MK931338 MK937129
Lactifluus hallingii A. E. Franco-Molano 523 NY MK931330
Lactifluus hallingii A. E. Franco-Molano 555 NY MK931331
Lactifluus hallingii A. E. Franco-Molano 756 NY MK931332
Lactifluus hallingii R. E. Halling 4977 NY MK931343
Lactifluus hallingii R. E. Halling 7938 NY MK931327 MK937127
Lactifluus hallingii R. E. Halling 7993 NY MK931333 MK937128
Lactifluus hallingii NVE 520 ANDES KF937338
Lactifluus hallingii NVE 401 ANDES KF937337
Lactifluus hallingii NVE 538 ANDES KF937339
Lactifluus heimii EDC 11–082 GENT KR364040 KR364286
Lactifluus luteolus AV 05–253 GENT KR364016 KJ210067
Lactifluus madagascariensis BB 99–409 PC AY606977 DQ421914
Lactifluus mordax FLAS-F-52759 FLAS MK931346
Lactifluus mordax FLAS-F-61658 FLAS MH212033 MK937139
Lactifluus mordax HDT 1570 MICH MN251096
Lactifluus multiceps TH 9154A BRG, DUKE JN168731
Lactifluus oedematopus KVP 12–001 GENT KR364100 KR364319
Lactifluus pegleri PAM-Mart12–91 LIP KP691416 KP691433
Lactifluus phlebonemus EDC 12–023 GENT KR364062 KR364322
Lactifluus pilosus LTH 205 GENT KR364006 KR364323
Lactifluus Piperati HKAS J7008 HKAS KR364108 KR364309
Lactifluus piperatus 2001 08 19 68 GENT KF220119 KF241842
Lactifluus pseudogymnocarpus AV 05–085 GENT KR364012 KR364329
Lactifluus putidus PAM/Mart 11–013 LIP KP691413 KP691431
Lactifluus ramipilosus EDC 14–503 GENT KR364128
Lactifluus robustus JN 2011–074 GENT KR364047 KR364358
Lactifluus rufomarginatus ADK 3011 GENT KR364034 KR364336
Lactifluus ruvubuensis JD 303 MEISE KR364009 KR364310
Lactifluus sp. PBM 2462 (AFTOL-ID 682) no data AY854089 AY803749
Lactifluus sp. SDM 037 BR KR364028 KR364291
Lactifluus sp. FLAS-F-15973 FLAS MK931347
Lactifluus sp. FLAS-F-61618 FLAS MH212001 MK937135
Lactifluus sp. FLAS-F-61044 FLAS MH211710 MK937136
Lactifluus sp. FLAS-F-61657 FLAS MH212032 MK937137
Lactifluus sp. AV 99–012 GENT KR364021 KR364276
Lactifluus sp. AV 05–249 GENT MK931325 MK937125
Lactifluus sp. JN 2007–012 GENT MK931326 MK937134
Lactifluus sp. AV 04–181 GENT MK931328 DQ421935
Lactifluus sp. EDC 12–040 GENT KR364063 KR364289
Lactifluus sp. EDC 12–195 GENT KR364071 KR364301
Lactifluus sp. JD 907 GENT KR364076 KR364302
Lactifluus sp. JN 2011–071 GENT KR364043 KR364255
Lactifluus sp. JN 2011–077 GENT KR364044 KR364256
Lactifluus sp. AV 05–325 GENT MK931329
Lactifluus sp. AV 05–332 GENT MK931334
Lactifluus sp. AV 05–350 GENT MK931335 MK937126
Lactifluus sp. RC/Guy 09-004bis LIP KJ786643 KP691427
Lactifluus sp. Schaffer 5895 MICH MK931352
Lactifluus sp. Weber 4277 MICH MK931353
Lactifluus sp. Ammirati 2392 MICH MK931354
Lactifluus sp. Ruth Mc Vaugh 1292 MICH MK931355
Lactifluus sp. G3264 PC KJ786706 KP691435
Lactifluus sp. TENN 065854 TENN KR364101 KR364271
Lactifluus sp. NVE 396 ANDES KF937340
Lactifluus sp. ASM 13521 EIU MK931337
Lactifluus sp. 2836 No data KJ705226
Lactifluus sp. 2225-QFB-25948 No data KJ705225
Lactifluus subkigomaensis EDC 11–159 GENT KR364050 KR364295
Lactifluus subvellereus AV 05–210 GENT KR364010 KR364347
Lactifluus tomentoso-marginatus MICH 11224 MICH MN251094
Lactifluus tomentoso-marginatus MICH 37937 MICH MN251095
Lactifluus urens EDC 14–032 GENT KR364124 KR364353
Lactifluus vellereus ATHU-M 8077 ATHU-M KR364106 KR364354
Lactifluus venezuelanus RC/Guad11–017 LIP KP691411 KP691429
Lactifluus volemoides MH 201187 GENT KR364098 KR364363
Lactifluus xerampelinus MH 201176 GENT KR364099 KR364364
Multifurca furcata R. E. Halling 7804 NY DQ421995 DQ421928
Multifurca ochricompacta BB 02–107 PC DQ421984 DQ421940
Multifurca sp. xp2–20,120,922-01 GENT KR364125
Multifurca stenophylla JET956 MEL JX266631
Multifurca zonaria FH 12–009 GENT KR364083 KR364365
Russula chloroides/delica FH 12–272 GENT KF432955 KR364340
Russula cyanoxantha FH 12–201 GENT KR364093 KR364341
Russula gracillima FH 12–264 GENT KR364094 KR364342
Russula khanchanjungae AV-KD-KVP 09–106 GENT KR364129 JN375607
Russula sp. EDC 12–061 GENT KR364072 KR364338
Russula sp. EDC 12–063 GENT KR364073 KR364339
Stereum hirsutum AFTOL 492 No data AY854063 AY218520
Vararia abortiphysa CBS 630.81 CBS KR364005 KR364266

Table 2.

Metadata of collections in the L. deceptivus complex

Number Collection date Country Locality Collector
A. E. Franco-Molano 523 1990 Colombia Antioquia, Mun. Santa Rosa de Osos, Vereda El Chaquiro, finca La Española A. E. Franco-Molano
A. E. Franco-Molano 555 1991 Colombia Antioquia, Mun. San Pedro, Vereda La Pulgarina A. E. Franco-Molano
A. E. Franco-Molano 756 1991 Colombia Antioquia, Mun. Santa Rosa de Osos, Corregimiento de Aragón, vereda El Quince. Finca San Bernardo. A. E. Franco-Molano
Ammirati 2392 22/08/1968 United States Michigan, Marquette, Yellow Dog Pine Plains J. F. Ammirati
ANGE1035 18/12/2017 Dominican Republic Jarabacoa C. Angelini
ANGE542 10/01/2016 Dominican Republic Jarabacoa C. Angelini
ANGE837 07/12/2016 Dominican Republic Jarabacoa C. Angelini
ANGE838 08/12/2016 Dominican Republic Jarabacoa C. Angelini
ASM 13521 13/08/2011 United States New York, Black Pond, Adirondack Park, Franklin County A. S. Methven
AV 04–181 13/07/2004 United States Tennessee, Sevier County, Cascade Trail in the Greenbrier section of the Great Smokey Mountains A. Verbeken
AV 05–249 12/08/2005 United States North Carolina, Cataloochee, Caldwell Fork Trail A. Verbeken
AV 05–275 12/08/2005 United States North Carolina, Cataloochee, Rough Fork Trail A. Verbeken
AV 05–325 15/08/2005 United States North Carolina, Swain County, Round Bottom, Beech gap Trail A. Verbeken
AV 05–332 15/08/2005 United States North Carolina, Swain County, Heintoogard A. Verbeken
AV 05–350 17/08/2005 United States North Carolina, Swain County, Kephart Prong Trail A. Verbeken
FH 18–077 19/06/2018 Panama Cerro Punta, Montana Azul, Parque Internacional la Amistad F. Hampe & C. Manz
FLAS-F-15973 13/08/1937 United States Florida, Alachua, Gainesville W. A. Murrill
FLAS-F-16366 15/06/1938 United States Florida, Alachua, Gainesville W. A. Murrill
FLAS-F-52759 25/08/1981 United States Florida, Alachua, Gainesville, Newnan’s Lake area, west shore Benny & Kimbrough
FLAS-F-59238 04/12/2004 United States Florida, Okaloosa, Elgin Air Force Base D. P. Lewis
FLAS-F-60197 24/10/2016 United States Florida, Putnam, Ordway-Swisher Biological Station. Between Lake Rowan and Lake Barco, near Road B17 intersection Smith Lab
FLAS-F-61044 28/06/2017 United States Florida, Putnam, Ordway-Swisher Biological Station, northwest of Ashley Lake D. Borland & B. Kaminsky
FLAS-F-61618 16/09/2017 United States Florida, Alachua, Owen-Illinois Park, Windsor, Florida, USA. B. Kaminsky
FLAS-F-61657 20/09/2017 United States Florida, Putnam, Ordway-Swisher Biological Station, by D10 road intersection D. Borland & B. Kaminsky
FLAS-F-61658 20/09/2017 United States Florida, Putnam, Ordway-Swisher Biological Station, by D10 road intersection D. Borland & B. Kaminsky
HDT 1570 22/05/1952 United States Texas, Grimes, Navasota H. D. Thiers
JN 2007–012 26/09/2007 Canada Newfoundland, Avalon Peninsula, Salmonier road (90), Salmonier National Park J. Nuytinck
JN 2011–071 16/06/2011 Viet Nam Bi Dup Nui Ba National Park, Huyen Lac Duong, Dalat city, near Tram Kiem Lam Giang Ly J. Nuytinck
JN 2011–077 16/06/2011 Viet Nam Bi Dup Nui Ba National Park, Huyen Lac Duong, Dalat city, near Tram Kiem Lam Giang Ly J. Nuytinck
MICH 11224 27/08/1973 United States Michigan, Oscoda, Perry Creek, Mio C. Nimke
MICH 37937 22/09/1975 United States Michigan, Washtenaw, Winnewana Lake A. H. Smith
NYS-F-000959 August United States New York, Rensselaer, Sandlake C. H. Peck
R. E. Halling 4977 1986 Colombia Antioquia, Mun. Santa Rosa de Osos, Near Llanos de Cuiva R. E. Halling
R. E. Halling 7938 26/06/2000 Costa Rica San José: Canton Dota, San Gerardo. Albergue de la Montaña, Savegre, 5 km SW of Cerro de la Muerte R. E. Halling
R. E. Halling 7993 07/08/2000 Costa Rica San José: Canton Dota, Jardin, 3,5 km W of Empalme R. E. Halling
Ruth Mc Vaugh 1292 21/09/1967 Mexico Oaxaca, 3–5 km E of Ixtlan de Juarez, along road to Capulalpan R.B. McVaugh
Schaffer 5895 17/08/1967 Canada Quebec, Charlevoix, Baie Saint Paul R. L. Shaffer
Smith 84,511 22/08/1973 United States Michigan A. H. Smith
TENN 065854 12/08/2011 United States New York, Paul Smith’s Franklin, Boreal Life trail, Walk No.8: Barnum Brook, New England Mycological Foray S. Rock
Weber 4277 14/09/1974 United States Wisconsin N. S. Weber


Illumina Miseq sequencing was used to sequence the type specimen of L. deceptivus collected in 1885. After library sequencing, merging read pairs and quality control steps for this type specimen, 727 ITS1 sequences were retained that were clustered in 10 zero-radius OTU’s. Only one of these belonged to the genus Lactifluus, and this sequence was used in further phylogenetic analysis. Other OTU’s represent contaminants, the most abundant being Penicillium. For the type specimens of L. mordax and L. tomentoso-marginatus, 125–271 sequences were retained, clustered in 4–6 zero-radius OTU’s, which each contained one sequence related to L. deceptivus s. lat.

In total, sequences were obtained for 47 collections belonging to the L. deceptivus complex. Of these collections, 36 had been identified based on morphology as L. deceptivus (most other collections were not identified to species level). The phylogeny shows that these collections represent at least 15 species (Fig. 1). Most species originate from the Nearctic, but also two Indomalayan and three Neotropical species were found. Only four species were described thusfar, so an additional 11 new species were uncovered by the molecular analysis.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Maximum Likelihood tree based on concatenated ITS and RPB2 sequence data. Maximum Likelihood bootstrap values > 70 are shown


Genus Lactifluus (Pers.) Roussel

Lactifluus subgenus Lactariopsis (Henn.) Verbeken

Lactifluus section Albati (Bataille) Verbeken

Lactifluus domingensis Delgat & Angelini, sp. nov.

MycoBank MB831084

(Figs. 2 and 3)

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Basidiomes. a Lactifluus domingensis (ANGE838–holotype). b Lactifluus domingensis (ANGE837). cd Lactifluus hallingii (FH 18–077–holotype)

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Lactifluus domingensis (ANGE 542, ANGE 837, ANGE838). a Basidia. b Basidiospores. c Pseudocystidia. d Marginal cells. e Macrocystidia. f Section through the stipitipellis. g Section through the pileipellis. Bars = 10 μm

Etymology: Refers to the island where the species was found. (Hispaniola previously consisted of Santo Domingo and Saint-Domingue, currently Dominican Republic and Haiti respectively.)

Diagnosis: Differs from clade 5 in the slightly lower average Q of the basidiospores, the slightly larger basidia, the slightly longer cystidia, the Hispaniolan distribution and the association with Pinus occidentalis.

Type: Dominican Republic: La Vega province: Jarabacoa, mixed wood mostly with Pinus occidentalis, 8 Dec.2016, C. Angelini ANGE838 (JBSD 130755 – holotype JBSD; GENT – isoptype).

Description: Pileus 35–100 mm diam, compact, at first convex and umbilicate, becoming flat, with depressed centre that becomes deeply depressed with maturity; surface at first bald, but soon roughening, becoming torn into patches or scales, dry to sticky at the centre; margin at first involute and clothed with a soft or cottony tomentum, then spreading or becoming elevated and more or less fibrillose, with a hand-lens loosely arranged brown pigmented hairs are visible; surface whitish at first, soon discolouring tan and brownish. Stipe 17–50 × 10–20 mm, rather short (compared to the diameter of the cap), usually tapering to base; surface dry, irregularly rugged, slightly velvety towards the base, whitish, discolouring brownish or tan; context solid. Lamellae adnate or slightly decurrent, with lamellulae of various length, rather broad, to 5 mm wide, subdistant, occasionally forking, whitish or pale yellowish, becoming cream coloured and finally dingy tan, usually staining and discolouring brownish; edge entire and concolourous. Context firm, white, unchanging when cut; smell pungent at maturity; taste strongly acrid. Latex white; unchanging; often staining brownish. Chemical reactions: Cap surface reddish with KOH.

Basidiospores broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, 8–8.9–10.1–11.5 × 6.3–7–7.7–8.7 μm (Q = 1.15–1.25–1.31–1.50), ornamentation to 1.7 μm high, consisting of isolated conical warts; plage inamyloid, rarely centrally weakly amyloid. Basidia (42–)43–53–63.5 × 9.5–12.5–15.5 μm, subclavate, majority 4-spored, some 2- or 1-spored. Pleuromacrocystidia 35–62.5–90(− 101) × 5–7–9 μm, abundant, cylindrical with tapering, mucronate or moniliform apex, sometimes branching, thin-walled. Pleuropseudocystidia 3.5–9 μm diam, not to slightly emergent. Sterile elements 27–37–46.5 × 4–5–6.5 μm, cylindrical, septate, with rounded apex. Lamellar edge sterile; marginal cells 9.5–23.5–38(40) × 4.5–9.5–14(− 16) μm, cylindrical to clavate, sometimes septate. Hymenophoral trama mixed, with hyphae, lactifers and sphaerocytes. Pileipellis a very loosely arranged cutis to trichoderm, up to 200 μm thick, composed of very broad (8–20, sometimes 30 μm diam.) and slightly thick-walled hairs, that are periclinally to anticlinally arranged and have a pale brown pigmentation. Some branchings and bulges of the hyphae are present. Stipitipellis a loosely arranged lamprotrichoderm on top of a layer of globose cells, up to 150 μm thick; terminal elements thick-walled, 50–150 × 5–8 μm, usually straight and hair-shaped and with tapering apex, periclinally to anticlinally arranged.

Ecology: Found in montane forests with Pinus occidentalis.

Distribution: Only known from the Dominican Republic, on the island of Hispaniola.

Remarks: Several hosts have been reported for Lactifluus deceptivus s. lat., such as Pinus, Tsuga, and Quercus species. In the Dominican Republic, where this new species was found, no Fagaceae occur. There are two species of pines on the island: the endemic Pinus occidentalis (in the central Cordillera) and the introduced P. caribaea (in the northern Cordillera). Lactifluus domingensis has been found exclusively with the endemic P. occidentalis and never with the introduced P. caribaea. This association with P. occidentalis, and therefore Hispaniolan distribution, is probably a unique feature of the species. So far, no other Lactifluus species are known from this island. Aside from its distinctive distribution, L. domingensis bears great resemblance to the other species of the Lactifluus deceptivus species complex, both macro- and microscopically. The phylogeny shows that L. domingensis is most closely related to a single collection from Canada (clade 6) and a clade with a northern North American distribution: clade 5 (Fig. 1) (although unsupported, but strongly supported in the separate ITS phylogeny). Clade 5 differs from L. domingensis by the slightly higher average Q (1.22–1.34–1.35–1.47), the slightly smaller basidia (24–43–62 × 3.5–11.5–19 μm) and the slightly shorter cystidia (44–54–63.5 × 4–7.5–10.5 μm). Compared to the two described species from Florida, L. arcuatus has distinctly smaller spores (4–6 μm long), and L. caeruleitinctus has blue tinges in the stipe which are lacking in L. domingensis. Lastly, L. hallingii also has a Central American distribution, but this species was found with Quercus species. In addition, there are some subtle microscopic differences: L. hallingii has slightly lower spore ornamentation (up to 1.5 μm), somewhat longer basidia (45.5–63.5–81.5(− 83) × 10–13–16 μm), somewhat differently shaped macrocystidia (i.e. more rarely a mucronate or moniliform apex, more often with a rounded or tapering apex) and an irregular cutis as a pileipellis.

Other specimens examined: Dominican Republic: La Vega province: Jarabacoa: mixed woods mostly with Pinus occidentalis, on soil, 10 Jan./2016, C. Angelini ANGE542 (JBSD 130756); ibid., 7 Dec. 2016, C. Angelini ANGE837 (JBSD 130757); ibid., 18 Dec. 2017, C. Angelini ANGE1035 (JBSD 130758).

Lactifluus hallingii Delgat & De Wilde, sp. nov.

MycoBank MB831085

(Figs. 2 and 4)

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Lactifluus hallingii (AEF 555, AEF 756, FH 18–077, REH 7993). a Basidia. b Basidiospores. c Pseudocystidia. d Macrocystidia. e Marginal cells. f Section through the stipitipellis. g Section through the pileipellis. Bars = 10 μm

Etymology: Refers to mycologist Roy E. Halling, who made several collections of this species.

Diagnosis: Differs from clade 2 in the larger basidia, the longer macrocystidia and the Neotropical distribution.

Type: Panama: Cerro Punta, Montana Azul, Parque Internacional la Amistad (8.894361°; − 82.581956°, alt. 2338 m), soil with Quercus sp., 19 June 2018, F. Hampe & C. Manz FH 18–077 (GENT – holotype; UCH 10505 – isotype)

Description: Pileus 40–165(− 240) mm diam, infundibuliform; margin strongly involute when young; surface dry, matted tomentose at first, eventually fibrillose to squamulose at disc, with cottony roll of tissue at margin when young, later appressed fibrillose to tomentose, cream or pale orange (4A2–4A5, 5A3) at first, then browner near brownish orange (6C6) at disc and paler (whitish) towards the margin. Stipe 30–90 × 11–35 mm, cylindrical, sometimes curved; surface white, staining brownish (4A3–4) where injured, dry, tomentose to pubescent. Lamellae adnate to subdecurrent to decurrent, up to 6 mm wide, subdistant, occasionally forking, white to cream (4A2–3); edge entire and concolourous. Context firm, white, unchanging when cut; smell fruity and cheesy; taste very acrid. Latex scarce to abundant, white, staining tissues pinkish to eventually brownish; taste very acrid. Chemical reactions: context green blue with guaiac, orange with FeSO4; cap surface reddish cinnamon with KOH.

Basidiospores broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, 8.1–9.6–10.4–11.3 × 6.7–7.4–8.5–9.5 μm (Q = 1.15–1.21–1.32–1.47); ornamentation up to 1.5 μm high, consisting of isolated conical warts, sometimes connected by very faint and fine lines; plage inamyloid, rarely centrally amyloid. Basidia 45.5–63.5–81.5(− 83) × 10–13–16 μm, subclavate, 4-spored. Pleuromacrocystidia (45–)46–70.5–95.5(− 103) × (4–)4.5–6.5–9(− 10) μm, abundant, cylindrical with tapering and fusiform apex, thin-walled. Pleuropseudocystidia 2.5–7 μm diam, not to slightly emergent. Sterile elements 37–49–62(64) × 3–5–7 μm, cylindrical, septate, with rounded apex. Lamellar edge sterile; marginal cells 13–23.5–34 × (5–)5.5–9.5–13(− 13.5) μm, cylindrical to clavate, sometimes septate. Hymenophoral trama mixed, with hyphae, lactifers and sphaerocytes. Pileipellis an irregular cutis, to 100 μm thick, consisting of loosely interwoven hyphae which are often slightly thick-walled and refringent, about 5–8 μm diam, but locally also swollen up to 20(− 30) μm; terminal hyphae with remarkable bulges and branchings often present. Stipitipellis a thin lamprotrichoderm on top of a layer of globose cells; all terminal elements refringent to slightly thick-walled, but some very thick-walled, 15–100 × 5–8 μm, cylindrical, with rounded or slightly tapering top; terminal elements anticline to very oblique, sometimes rather periclinally arranged.

Ecology: Found on soil in montane forests with Quercus humboldtii, Q. seemannii, Q. copeyensis, and Quercus sp.

Distribution: Known from Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia.

Remarks: As Lactifluus domingensis, L. hallingii bears great resemblance to some of the other species from the L. deceptivus species complex, both macro- and microscopically. In the phylogeny (Fig. 1), we find that L. hallingii is most closely related to a clade with a North American distribution: clade 2 (Fig. 1). Clade 2 differs from L. hallingii in the smaller basidia (30.5–42.5–54 × 7.5–11.5–16 μm) and the shorter macrocystidia (29–52–75 × 5–9–13.5 μm). Compared to L. hallingii, the species described from Florida are relatively easily distinguishable: L. arcuatus has distinctly smaller spores (4–6 μm long), and L. caeruleitinctus has blue tinges in the stipe which are lacking in L. hallingii. Lactifluus domingensis shares the Neotropical distribution, but that species was found with the endemic Pinus occidentalis on the island of Hispaniola. For microscopic differences between these two species, see the remarks under L. domingensis.

Other specimens examined: Colombia: Antioquia: Municipio Santa Rosa de Osos, near Llanos de Cuiva (6.75°; − 75.5°, alt. 2500 m), Andean forest, 5 Nov. 1986, R. E. Halling 4977 (NY); vereda El Chaquiro, finca La Española (alt. 2700 m), with Quercus humboldtii, 12 June 1990, A. E. Franco-Molano 523 (NY); Municipio de San Pedro, vereda La Pulgarina, with Quercus humboltii, 27 Apr. 1991, A. E. Franco-Molano 555 (NY); Municipio Santa Rosa de Osos, corregimiento de Aragon, vereda El Quince, Finca San Bernardo (alt. 2900 m), 17 June 1991, A. E. Franco-Molano 756 (NY)/ – Costa Rica: San José, Canton Dota, Jardin, 3.5 km W of Empalme (9.7144°; − 83.9744°, alt. 2220 m), with Quercus seemannii and Q. copeyensis, 07 Aug. 2000, R. E. Halling 7993 (NY).

Lactifluus arcuatus (Murrill) Delgat, comb. nov.

MycoBank MB831087

Basionym: Lactarius arcuatus Murrill, Mycologia 33: 440 (1941).

Synonym: Lactaria arcuata Murrill, Mycologia 33: 440 (1941); orth. Var.

Remarks: Based on the original description, this species could fit morphologically in L. sect. Albati because of the white basidiome, the cottony inrolled margin, and the acrid latex. The placement in this section is confirmed molecularly by the position of the type sequence in the phylogeny (Fig. 1).

Lactifluus caeruleitinctus (Murrill) Delgat, comb. nov.

MycoBank MB831088

Basionym: Lactarius caeruleitinctus Murrill, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 55: 368 (1939).

Synonym: Lactaria caeruleitincta Murrill, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 55: 368 (1939); orth. Var.

Remarks: Based on Murrill’s notes on the type specimen, this species could fit morphologically in L. sect. Albati because of the white basidiome, the acrid taste, and the strongly unpleasant smell while drying. The placement of a collection identified as L. caeruleitinctus in L. sect. Albati (Fig. 1) further supports the placement of this species in L. sect. Albati.

Lactifluus mordax (Thiers) Delgat, comb. nov.

MycoBank MB832122

Basionym: Lactarius mordax Thiers, Mycologia 49: 710 (1957).

Remarks: Based on the original description, this species could fit morphologically in L. sect. Albati because of the matted-tomentose margin, the very acrid latex, and the cuticular structure of the pileipellis. The placement in this section is confirmed molecularly by the position of the type sequence in the phylogeny (Fig. 1).


A first attempt to find out which clade represents L. deceptivus was made by sequencing several collections from the studied material from Hesler & Smith’s description (Hesler and Smith 1979): collections Schaffer 5895, Ammirati 2392, Smith 84,511, and Weber 4277. However, our analysis inferred that these collections represent three different species: clades 2, 3, and 5 (Fig. 1), thus the interpretation of L. deceptivus remained elusive. In the phylogeny, there are several clades that have a relatively close distribution to where L. deceptivus was described (i.e. New York State): clades 2, 3, 5, and 12. The only microscopic character mentioned in the original description (Peck 1885) is the length of the spores (8.9–12.7 μm), so spores were measured for these four clades. Clade 12 has significantly smaller spores (5.9–7–8 × 4.6–5.3–6.1 μm), but the other three clades have similar spore sizes (clade 2: 9.6–10.6–10.9–11.9 × 7.5–8.4–8.5–9.5 μm; clade 3: 9.4–10.6–11.8 × 7.8–8.5–9.3 μm; clade 5: 9.9–10.7–10.8–11.9 × 7.4–8–8.6 μm), so all three clades were considered possible candidates to represent the true L. deceptivus.

Lactifluus deceptivus was described by Peck (1885), and Hesler and Smith (1979) designated a lectotype (Peck s.n., NYS-F-000959). Samples this old have both time and conservation related DNA damage, besides exogenous DNA contamination, that makes nucleic acid extraction and amplification challenging (Forin et al. 2018). Therefore, Illumina Miseq sequencing was chosen as an alternative to the conventional Sanger sequencing to overcome these problems for the type specimen of L. deceptivus. As expected, due to both the old age and the lack of precautions during the manipulation of specimens throughout the herbarium’s long life, contaminants are present in this specimen, and a total of 10 zero-radius ITS1 OTU’s were recovered from the sample. One Lactifluus sequence was picked up by the analysis. Phylogenetic analysis shows that this sequence belongs to clade 3, which was indeed considered a possible candidate based on distribution and spore measurements, revealing that this clade represents the true L. deceptivus.

Three other described species were found to belong in the complex: L. arcuatus and L. caeruleitinctus, described from Florida by Murrill (1939, 1941); and L. mordax, described from Texas by Thiers (Thiers 1957). Descriptions of Murrill’s species are rather concise, but both species have at least a clear character that sets them apart from L. deceptivus: L. arcuatus has distinctly smaller spores, and L. caeruleitinctus displays blue tinges in the stipe. Lactifluus mordax is can be macroscopically distinguished from L. deceptivus by the pileus colour, which is not white but yellow to cream, and microscopically by the smaller spores (7.5–9 × 6–7 μm) (Hesler and Smith 1979). A sequence was obtained for the holotypes of L. arcuatus and L. mordax, as well as a collection identified as L. caeruleitinctus, which shows that these species belong to a subclade (clades 9–15) of the L. deceptivus complex which is dominated by species known only from Florida (Fig. 1). Since L. deceptivus is situated in the other subclade (clades 1–8), these species are relatively more distantly related to L. deceptivus, which could explain why they are more easily distinguishable from it. Lactifluus tomentoso-marginatus was previously synonymised with L. deceptivus based on a detailed morphological study (Montoya and Bandala 2005), and the phylogeny confirms this synonymy by the position of the holotype in the same clade as the type of L. deceptivus (Fig. 1). However, other collections studied in the paper of Montoya and Bandala, originating from Mexico and initially identified as L. tomentoso-marginatus, were also considered to belong to the same species by the authors based on the morphological study. A sequence was obtained for one of these collections, and the phylogeny shows that it represents a distinct clade from L. deceptivus (clade 8, Fig. 1), further demonstrating the difficulty of morphologically delimiting species in this complex.

The Lactifluus deceptivus complex previously exclusively contained species described from the Nearctic. It was shown that species from this complex also occur in Indo-Malaya and the Neotropics, and two new Neotropical species are described. Lactifluus domingensis was found in the Dominican Republic, on the island of Hispaniola, while L. hallingii was found on the mainland, distributed across Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. For most of the other clades, well-documented collections are lacking due to the previous perception that L. deceptivus represented just a single, easy to recognize species. In addition, many of the clades contain only one or two collections, so to further unravel this complex there is a need for more well-documented collections. Hopefully, L. deceptivus s. lat. Will be collected and described in more detail now that it is known to represent several morphologically similar species.

Since species in this complex resemble each other so strongly, they can be considered pseudocryptic species. This means that, while at first, they seem indistinguishable, they can be distinguished from each other once the appropriate character(s) is/are considered. This phenomenon is widespread in the genus Lactifluus (e.g. Stubbe et al. 2010; Van de Putte et al. 2010; Van de Putte 2012; De Crop et al. 2014; Van de Putte et al. 2016; Delgat et al. 2017; De Lange et al. 2018). For example, a very similar case to that described in this paper occurs in L. sect. Lactifluus: as with L. deceptivus, L. volemus was thought to be a single, easily recognizable species in Europe, with the same name also being applied on other continents. However, molecular analysis revealed a total of 35 species in this complex (Van de Putte 2012). Without molecular data it is next to impossible to delimit these pseudocryptic species, but once you ascertain which collections group together, morphological, although often subtle, differences may be found to distinguish between the species. Often, these species are relatively recently diverged from each other, as can be observed from the relatively short branch lengths (Fig. 1), and could explain why the morphologies have not diverged much from each other. Despite this limited morphological variability, we find that the Lactifluus deceptivus complex does contain a high diversity of species. The phylogeny (Fig. 1) reveals a total of at least 15 species, distributed across Asia, North and Central America.

Together with the clade around Lactifluus vellereus, another clade that can be considered a species complex, the L. deceptivus complex comprises L. sect. Albati. In contrast to species from the L. deceptivus clade, species from the L. vellereus clade have a lamprotrichoderm structure of the pileipellis with very long hairs (to 250–300(400) μm), causing the pileus surface to be extremely velutinous. The clade around L. vellereus contains at least 14 species (De Crop 2016; unpubl. results), which brings the total diversity of L. sect. Albati to 29 species. Considering that De Crop (2016) reports a total species diversity of 369 Lactifluus species, distributed across 37 clades, averaging ten species per clade, L. sect. Albati can be considered a relatively species-rich section. In addition, many of the species in the section are known from only one collection, so it can be expected that the diversity will be even higher.

It is noteworthy that the position of L. sect. Albati in L. subg. Lactariopsis is not supported in the phylogeny (Fig. 1). Also in the study of De Crop et al. 2017 this position was not supported in all separate gene phylogenies, which is why this section could be considered as a separate group from the subgenus. However, in order to favour more or less equal sized subgenera, (De Crop et al. (2017)) decided to include this section in L. subg. Lactariopsis. Lactifluus sect. Albati differs from the other sections in L. subg. Lactariopsis by the presence of macropleurocystidia, while true cystidia are lacking in most species of this subgenus. In addition, it is the only section in the subgenus which has temperate representatives.

Considering its name, it might be thought that Lactarius pseudodeceptivus would also belong to the clade around L. deceptivus. However, this species belongs in the genus Lactarius, as is confirmed by the placement of sequences of the holotype and paratypes in Lactarius (Fig. 1). There are some similarities with L. deceptivus, such as the inrolled cottony-tomentose margin and acrid taste. However, Lactarius pseudodeceptivus can be distinguished from species of the Lactifluus deceptivus complex, notably by the reticulated spore ornamentation and the ixocutis structure of the stipitipellis.


Lactifluus deceptivus was previously thought to be a single, easily recognisable species. However, molecular analysis revealed that Lactifluus deceptivus s. lat. Represents a species complex containing at least 15 species, distributed across Asia and America. Despite the low morphological variability in this complex, it shows a relatively high species diversity. These species can be considered pseudocryptic species, meaning that (subtle) morphological differences may be found when studied in detail, as was done for two new Neotropical species: Lactifluus hallingii and L. domingensis. The identity of the true L. deceptivus is revealed. However, more well-documented collections are needed for most species in this complex, of which many are known from only one or two collections. Now that it was shown that L. deceptivus s. lat. Represents several morphologically similar species, the number of well-documented collections will hopefully rise substantially, ameliorating the possibility of fully resolving this species complex.


The Panamanian Environmental Ministry (MiAmbiente) is thanked for issuing permits for collection (SE/PH-4-18) and export (SEX/H-2-18) of fungi, Orlando Cáceres, Tina Hofmann and Manlio Cuevas are thanked for logistic support in Panama. Meike Piepenbring is thanked for establishing contact to the Panamanian University and Felix Hampe for taking field photographs of Panamanian collections. Karen Hughes and Ron Petersen are acknowledged for organization of the field trip in Smokey Mountains (USA).

Adherence to national and international regulations

We confirm adherence to any pertinent national or international legislation or regulations that apply to the transfer of living biotic materials used in the study between countries.

Authors’ contributions

LD gathered collections/sequences to constitute the final dataset, performed the molecular analysis, performed a microscopical study, made the descriptions for the new species and the microscopic plates, and wrote the manuscript. GD performed part of the microscopical study and part of the molecular lab work. SDW authored the masters dissertation that did a first exploration of L. sect. Albati, which provided an initial dataset and revealed that L. deceptivus represented a species complex. CA collected the specimens from Dominican Republic and made the macroscopical description of L. domingensis. EDC was the supervisor of the masters dissertation of SDW, and is responsible for gathering/generating the data of this initial dataset. RDL performed part of the molecular lab work. RH made several collections of L. hallingii and contributed to the macroscopical description. CM collected the type collection of L. hallingii and contributed to the macroscopical description. JN organised the Illumina run in which the types of L. deceptivus, L. tomentoso-marginatus and L. mordax were sequenced. AV is the promotor of the first author, as well as the promotor of the masters dissertation of SDW, performed part of the microscopical study and made the line drawings of pileipellis and stipitipellis. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


L. Delgat (grant BOFDOC2015007001) and E. De Crop (grants B/13485/01 and BOF-PDO-2017-001201) are funded by scholarships of the Special Research Fund. R. Halling was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation (USA) and the National Geographic Society.

Availability of data and materials

All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article [and its supplementary information files].

Ethics approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


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