Figure 2.
Flag leaf anatomical characteristics in NIL-GNP1TQ and Lemont. (A) Cross-sections of flag leaves in Lemont (left) and NIL-GNP1TQ (right). Comparison of leaf thickness (B), mesophyll cell number (C), mean mesophyll cell size (D), total mesophyll area (E), and interveinal distance (F) between LVBs, between LVB and SVB, and between SVBs of flag leaves between NIL-GNP1TQ and Lemont. LVB, large vascular bundle; SVB, small vascular bundle. Comparison of stomatal density (G) and stomatal size (H) on the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces between NIL-GNP1TQ and Lemont. Error bars indicate standard error (n = 3). The *, ** indicate significant difference between NIL-GNP1TQ and Lemont at P <0.05 and 0.01, respectively.