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. 2020 May 27;11:645. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00645



Seed germination of C. sativa. The different developmental stages are described as follows: (A) Seeds just before being sterilized. (B) Germinated seed 48 h. after in vitro sowing with the root apical meristem arising from testa. (C) Emerging seedling 5 days after seed plating, with testa being visible at the bottom of the image. (D) Seven-days-old seedling with fully expanded first pair of true leaves, which is equivalent to the phenological growth stage coded in this species by number 11 in BBCH-scale: arrow marks dissection point. (E) View of 7-days-old seedling allowing observation of vegetative shoot apex: arrow points shoot apex location on seedling. (F) Remaining vegetative shoot apex after dissection of hypocotyl, cotyledon and true leaves from 7 days-old seedling, with shoot apical meristem (SAM) highlighted on it: detail of SAM (inset in panel F). Scale bars: 1 mm.