Acclimatization process of hypocotyl derived plants in C. sativa. The different developmental stages are described as follows: (A) Radicular system of hypocotyl derived plants spontaneously rooted 28 days after culture initiation, where different root morphogenesis patterns can be observed (arrows). (B) Small plant just after being transplanted to pots (2 L) with fertilized commercial substrate. (C) Plastic vessel covering the in vitro regenerated plant in order to avoid desiccation. (D) Hypocotyl derived plant exposed to the environmental humidity 6 weeks after culture initiation. (E) Female hypocotyl derived hemp plant showing sexual functionality 8 weeks after in vitro explant inoculation (insets illustrates, from top to bottom, unfertilized female flower, fertilized female flower during seed formation and mature seed final development). Scale bars (A–D): 12 mm. Scale bar (E): 60 mm. Scale bars of insets (E): 1 mm.