Table 3. Summary of the sample characteristics, used methodologies and quality assessment from included studies.
Study | Sample size | Age | Gender | Origin of limb loss | Level of limb loss | Type of prosthesis | Wearing time prosthesis | Country (ISO-code) | Data collection technique | Data analysis | CASP criteria unmet A |
Zheng et al.(2019) [22] B | 11 | Median: 45 years | 9 M; | 2 ULRD; | 1 Wd; | Not reported | Not reported | USA | Focus groups and semi-structured phone interviews | Qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach | None |
Range: 27–65 years | 2 F | 9 AA | 6 Tr; | ||||||||
1 Ed; | |||||||||||
1 Th; | |||||||||||
1 Bi Tr; | |||||||||||
1 Dw | |||||||||||
Widehammar et al. (2018) [48] | 13 | 62% ULRD (n = 8; median: 33 years; range: 20–47 years) | 9 M; | 8 ULRD; | 10 Tr; | 13 ME | 6 Daily; | SWE | Semi-structured face-to-face or phone interviews | Qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach | 3 |
4 F | 5 AA | 3 Th | 2 only at work; | ||||||||
3 only in specific situations; | |||||||||||
38% AA (n = 5; median: 48 years; range: 27–74 years) | |||||||||||
2 non-wearer | |||||||||||
Schweitzer et al. (2018) [19] B | 1 | Not reported | 1 M | 1 AA | 1 Tr | BP and MHP | 10–12 hours a day | CHE | Case-report | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Resnik et al. (2018) [11] | 3 | Median: 29 years | 3 F | 2 ULRD; | 3 Tr | 2 MHP, DEKA-arm and CP; | Not reported | USA | Semi-structured face-to-face interviews | Four of the authors compared each case to identify categories (called constant comparison) and applied the grounded theory approach | 3, 4, 5 and 6 |
Range: 24–32 years | 1 AA | ||||||||||
1 SHP, DEKA-arm and CP | |||||||||||
Davis & Onge (2017) [20] B | 1 | 46 years | 1 F | 1 ULRD | 1 Tr | 1 SHP | Not reported | USA | Commentary of prosthesis user | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Benz et al. (2016) [24] | 7 | Range: 41–65 years | 5 M; | 1 ULRD; | 5 Tr; | 7 ME; (of whom 1 with ME and CP) | 5 daily; | USA | Individual interviews | Step 1: initial coding, method not clearly mentioned | 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9 |
2 F | 6 AA | 2 Bi Tr | 1 weekly; | ||||||||
1 monthly | |||||||||||
Step 2: topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), which is a form of machine learning | |||||||||||
Nagaraja et al. (2016) [40] B | 60 | 10% children (n = 6; mean: 6 years; SD 0.8 years); | 54 M; | 8 ULRD; | 45 below elbow; | 93% CP or BP; | Not reported | IND | Phone or face-to-face survey with open-ended questions | Not clearly mentioned | 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 |
6 F C | 52 AA C | ||||||||||
15 above elbow B | 7% otherC | ||||||||||
85% male adults (n = 51; mean: 31 years; SD: 10.1 years); | |||||||||||
5% female adults (n = 3; mean: 21 years; SD 5.3 years) | |||||||||||
Deijs et al. (2016) [41] B | 8 | Mean: 50 years | 6 M; | 3 ULRD; | 8 Tr | 8 SHP | > 4 hours daily | NL | Semi-structured face-to-face interviews | Not clearly mentioned | 6 |
SD: 14 years | 2 F | 5 AA | |||||||||
Luchetti et al. (2015) [23] B | 6 | Median: 47 years | 6 M | 6 AA | 6 Tr | 6 SHP and MHP | > 8 hours daily | ITA | Clinical face-to-face interviews; | Qualitative content analysis using the ideographic case study approach of the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis | 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 |
Range: 35–65 years | |||||||||||
Wijk & Carlsson (2015) [49] | 13 | Mean: 43 years | 5 M; | 6 ULRD; | 13 Tr | 6 ME; | 13 daily users, of whom 7 wear prosthesis whole day | SWE | Semi-structured face-to-face interviews | Qualitative content analysis | 6 |
Range: 29–71 years | 8 F | 7 AA | 5 CP; | ||||||||
2 both | |||||||||||
Resnik et al. (2014) [45] D, E | 37 | 64.9% Gen 2 (n = 24; mean: 44.4 years; SD: 16.9 years) | 32 M; | Not reported | 9 Tr; | All DEKA-arm + other prosthesis (unknown which type) | 18 full-time; | USA | Face-to-face survey with open-ended questions | A qualitative approach to content analysis, followed by a cross-case analysis to compare the users’ perspectives | 3, 5 and 6 |
5 F | 9 Th; | 14 part-time; | |||||||||
10 Shd; | |||||||||||
35.1% Gen 3 (n = 13; mean: 46.4 years; SD: 16.4 years) | 4 Bi | ||||||||||
5 non-wearer | |||||||||||
Horst & Hoogsteyns et al. (2014) [21] B | 7 | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | Not reported | NL | Biographical face-to-face interviews | Biographic Narrative Interpretation Method | 1, 4, 7 and 9 |
Vasluian et al. (2013) [44] B | 12 | Range: 17–20 years | 4 M; | 12 ULRD | 12 Tr | 3 ME; | 1.5–12 hours daily; 7 non-wearer | NL | Online focus group interviews | Framework approach | None |
8 F | 2 CP; | ||||||||||
7 none | |||||||||||
Waldera et al. (2013) [43] B | 17 | Only the age at amputation was reported: | Not reported | 17 AA | 1 Wd; | Not reported | 11 Wearer; | USA | Focus group and face-to-face or phone interviews | Inductive thematic analysis | 8 |
7 Tr; | 6 non- wearer | ||||||||||
3 Th; | |||||||||||
<20 years: 17.6% | 2 Shd; | ||||||||||
20–29 years: 23.5% | 3 Bi; | ||||||||||
30–39 years: 17.6% | 1 Dw | ||||||||||
40–49 years: 5.9% | |||||||||||
50–59 years: 5.9% | |||||||||||
≥ 60 years: 5.9% | |||||||||||
Unknown: 23.5% | |||||||||||
Bouffard et al.(2012) | 12 | Mean: 56.6 years | 12 M | 12 AA | 11 Tr; | 1 ME; | 3 for 2–6 hours daily; | CAN | Focus group meeting and face-to-face semi-structured interviews | Thematic analysis approach | 5 |
SD: 16.5 years | 2 Th (of whom 1 Bi) | 8 BP; | |||||||||
[42] B | 3 both | 9 more than 6 hours daily | |||||||||
Schaffalitzky et al. (2009) [13] B | 2 | Not reported | 1 M; | 1 ULRD; | 1 Tr; 1 Th | 1 SHP; | 1 for 4 hours a day for 4 days a week; | USA | Face-to-face interviews using the RGT | ‘Contrast Method’ or triadic elicitation, which is a method that’s used in all RGT studies to generate constructs on which to rate elements | 4 and 5 |
1 F | 1 AA | 1BP | |||||||||
1 for 18 hours a day for 7 days | |||||||||||
Saradjian et al. (2008) [47] | 11 | Median: 54 years | 11 M | 11 AA | 1 Wd; | Not reported | At least weekly | UK | Semi-structured face-to-face interviews | Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis | 7 |
Range: | 5 below elbow; | ||||||||||
31–64 years | |||||||||||
4 above elbow; | |||||||||||
1 Shd | |||||||||||
Kyberd et al. (2007) [12] B | 113 | 16–20 years: 9% | 68 M; | Not reported | 65 Wrist; | 30 ME; | 76% for > 8 hours daily, of whom 46% for > 12 hours daily; | SWE, UK | Postal questionnaire with open-ended questions | Not clearly mentioned | 1, 3, 6 and 7 |
21–30 years: 12% | 40 F; | 35 Elbow; | 68 CP; | ||||||||
31–40 years: 20% | 5 missing responses | 8 Shoulder; | 15 other | ||||||||
41–50 years: 13% | 5 missing responses | ||||||||||
51–60 years: 22% | |||||||||||
61–70 years: 16% | |||||||||||
9% only occasional; others not reported | |||||||||||
70–80 years: 4% | |||||||||||
81+ years: 3% | |||||||||||
Missing responses: 3% | |||||||||||
Biddiss et al. (2007) [9] B | 145 | Mean: 43 years | Not reported F | 41% ULRD | Not reported F | 81 ME; | Not reported | CAN, USA, NL | Online or paper questionnaire with open-ended questions | Not clearly mentioned | 6 |
SD: 15 years | 58 BP; | ||||||||||
38 CP; | |||||||||||
11 other |
A CASP criteria: (1) Was there a clear statement of the aims of the research?; (2) Is a qualitative methodology appropriate?; (3) Was the research design appropriate to address the aims of the research; (4) Was the recruitment strategy appropriate to the aims of the research; (5) Was the data collected in a way that addressed the research issue?; (6) Has the relationship between researcher and participants been adequately considered?; (7) Have ethical issues been taken into consideration?; (8) Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous?; (9) Is there a clear statement of findings?; (10) How valuable is the research?
B Only qualitative parts of the study about experiences of the target population with commercially available prostheses were included, other parts of the study were not included in this overview.
C The pediatric group was not analyzed separately, so this group (n = 6) is included in the results shown here.
D Only the part of the study where the DEKA arm was compared with their current prosthetic device was included in the meta-synthesis.
E This study included persons fitted with the Gen 2 and Gen 3 DEKA arm, 5 participants were included in both parts (Gen 2 and Gen 3)
F Not reported separately for the relevant population of this review.
ISO-code, country code assigned by the International Organization for Standards; CASP, The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme qualitative research checklist; SD, standard deviation; ULRD, upper limb reduction deficiency; AA, acquired amputation; M, male; F, female; Tr, transradial; Th, transhumeral; Shd, shoulder disarticulation; Ed, elbow disarticulation; Wd, wrist disarticulation; Bi, bilateral; Dw, distal from wrist; SHP, standard myoelectric hand prosthesis (with only one grip function); MHP, multi-grip myoelectric hand prosthesis; ME, myoelectric (unknown which subtype); BP, body-powered prosthesis; CP, cosmetic/passive prosthesis; RGT, repertory grid technique; USA, United States; IND, India; UK, United Kingdom; CHE, Switzerland; SWE, Sweden; NL, Netherlands; CAN, Canada; ITA, Italy.