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. 2020 Jun 30;15(6):e0234342. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234342

Table 3. Summary of the sample characteristics, used methodologies and quality assessment from included studies.

Study Sample size Age Gender Origin of limb loss Level of limb loss Type of prosthesis Wearing time prosthesis Country (ISO-code) Data collection technique Data analysis CASP criteria unmet A
Zheng et al.(2019) [22] B 11 Median: 45 years 9 M; 2 ULRD; 1 Wd; Not reported Not reported USA Focus groups and semi-structured phone interviews Qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach None
Range: 27–65 years 2 F 9 AA 6 Tr;
1 Ed;
1 Th;
1 Bi Tr;
1 Dw
Widehammar et al. (2018) [48] 13 62% ULRD (n = 8; median: 33 years; range: 20–47 years) 9 M; 8 ULRD; 10 Tr; 13 ME 6 Daily; SWE Semi-structured face-to-face or phone interviews Qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach 3
4 F 5 AA 3 Th 2 only at work;
3 only in specific situations;
38% AA (n = 5; median: 48 years; range: 27–74 years)
2 non-wearer
Schweitzer et al. (2018) [19] B 1 Not reported 1 M 1 AA 1 Tr BP and MHP 10–12 hours a day CHE Case-report Not applicable Not applicable
Resnik et al. (2018) [11] 3 Median: 29 years 3 F 2 ULRD; 3 Tr 2 MHP, DEKA-arm and CP; Not reported USA Semi-structured face-to-face interviews Four of the authors compared each case to identify categories (called constant comparison) and applied the grounded theory approach 3, 4, 5 and 6
Range: 24–32 years 1 AA
1 SHP, DEKA-arm and CP
Davis & Onge (2017) [20] B 1 46 years 1 F 1 ULRD 1 Tr 1 SHP Not reported USA Commentary of prosthesis user Not applicable Not applicable
Benz et al. (2016) [24] 7 Range: 41–65 years 5 M; 1 ULRD; 5 Tr; 7 ME; (of whom 1 with ME and CP) 5 daily; USA Individual interviews Step 1: initial coding, method not clearly mentioned 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9
2 F 6 AA 2 Bi Tr 1 weekly;
1 monthly
Step 2: topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), which is a form of machine learning
Nagaraja et al. (2016) [40] B 60 10% children (n = 6; mean: 6 years; SD 0.8 years); 54 M; 8 ULRD; 45 below elbow; 93% CP or BP; Not reported IND Phone or face-to-face survey with open-ended questions Not clearly mentioned 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9
6 F C 52 AA C
15 above elbow B 7% otherC
85% male adults (n = 51; mean: 31 years; SD: 10.1 years);
5% female adults (n = 3; mean: 21 years; SD 5.3 years)
Deijs et al. (2016) [41] B 8 Mean: 50 years 6 M; 3 ULRD; 8 Tr 8 SHP > 4 hours daily NL Semi-structured face-to-face interviews Not clearly mentioned 6
SD: 14 years 2 F 5 AA
Luchetti et al. (2015) [23] B 6 Median: 47 years 6 M 6 AA 6 Tr 6 SHP and MHP > 8 hours daily ITA Clinical face-to-face interviews; Qualitative content analysis using the ideographic case study approach of the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8
Range: 35–65 years
Wijk & Carlsson (2015) [49] 13 Mean: 43 years 5 M; 6 ULRD; 13 Tr 6 ME; 13 daily users, of whom 7 wear prosthesis whole day SWE Semi-structured face-to-face interviews Qualitative content analysis 6
Range: 29–71 years 8 F 7 AA 5 CP;
2 both
Resnik et al. (2014) [45] D, E 37 64.9% Gen 2 (n = 24; mean: 44.4 years; SD: 16.9 years) 32 M; Not reported 9 Tr; All DEKA-arm + other prosthesis (unknown which type) 18 full-time; USA Face-to-face survey with open-ended questions A qualitative approach to content analysis, followed by a cross-case analysis to compare the users’ perspectives 3, 5 and 6
5 F 9 Th; 14 part-time;
10 Shd;
35.1% Gen 3 (n = 13; mean: 46.4 years; SD: 16.4 years) 4 Bi
5 non-wearer
Horst & Hoogsteyns et al. (2014) [21] B 7 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported NL Biographical face-to-face interviews Biographic Narrative Interpretation Method 1, 4, 7 and 9
Vasluian et al. (2013) [44] B 12 Range: 17–20 years 4 M; 12 ULRD 12 Tr 3 ME; 1.5–12 hours daily; 7 non-wearer NL Online focus group interviews Framework approach None
8 F 2 CP;
7 none
Waldera et al. (2013) [43] B 17 Only the age at amputation was reported: Not reported 17 AA 1 Wd; Not reported 11 Wearer; USA Focus group and face-to-face or phone interviews Inductive thematic analysis 8
7 Tr; 6 non- wearer
3 Th;
<20 years: 17.6% 2 Shd;
20–29 years: 23.5% 3 Bi;
30–39 years: 17.6% 1 Dw
40–49 years: 5.9%
50–59 years: 5.9%
≥ 60 years: 5.9%
Unknown: 23.5%
Bouffard et al.(2012) 12 Mean: 56.6 years 12 M 12 AA 11 Tr; 1 ME; 3 for 2–6 hours daily; CAN Focus group meeting and face-to-face semi-structured interviews Thematic analysis approach 5
SD: 16.5 years 2 Th (of whom 1 Bi) 8 BP;
[42] B 3 both 9 more than 6 hours daily
Schaffalitzky et al. (2009) [13] B 2 Not reported 1 M; 1 ULRD; 1 Tr; 1 Th 1 SHP; 1 for 4 hours a day for 4 days a week; USA Face-to-face interviews using the RGT ‘Contrast Method’ or triadic elicitation, which is a method that’s used in all RGT studies to generate constructs on which to rate elements 4 and 5
1 F 1 AA 1BP
1 for 18 hours a day for 7 days
Saradjian et al. (2008) [47] 11 Median: 54 years 11 M 11 AA 1 Wd; Not reported At least weekly UK Semi-structured face-to-face interviews Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis 7
Range: 5 below elbow;
31–64 years
4 above elbow;
1 Shd
Kyberd et al. (2007) [12] B 113 16–20 years: 9% 68 M; Not reported 65 Wrist; 30 ME; 76% for > 8 hours daily, of whom 46% for > 12 hours daily; SWE, UK Postal questionnaire with open-ended questions Not clearly mentioned 1, 3, 6 and 7
21–30 years: 12% 40 F; 35 Elbow; 68 CP;
31–40 years: 20% 5 missing responses 8 Shoulder; 15 other
41–50 years: 13% 5 missing responses
51–60 years: 22%
61–70 years: 16%
9% only occasional; others not reported
70–80 years: 4%
81+ years: 3%
Missing responses: 3%
Biddiss et al. (2007) [9] B 145 Mean: 43 years Not reported F 41% ULRD Not reported F 81 ME; Not reported CAN, USA, NL Online or paper questionnaire with open-ended questions Not clearly mentioned 6
SD: 15 years 58 BP;
38 CP;
11 other

A CASP criteria: (1) Was there a clear statement of the aims of the research?; (2) Is a qualitative methodology appropriate?; (3) Was the research design appropriate to address the aims of the research; (4) Was the recruitment strategy appropriate to the aims of the research; (5) Was the data collected in a way that addressed the research issue?; (6) Has the relationship between researcher and participants been adequately considered?; (7) Have ethical issues been taken into consideration?; (8) Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous?; (9) Is there a clear statement of findings?; (10) How valuable is the research?

B Only qualitative parts of the study about experiences of the target population with commercially available prostheses were included, other parts of the study were not included in this overview.

C The pediatric group was not analyzed separately, so this group (n = 6) is included in the results shown here.

D Only the part of the study where the DEKA arm was compared with their current prosthetic device was included in the meta-synthesis.

E This study included persons fitted with the Gen 2 and Gen 3 DEKA arm, 5 participants were included in both parts (Gen 2 and Gen 3)

F Not reported separately for the relevant population of this review.

ISO-code, country code assigned by the International Organization for Standards; CASP, The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme qualitative research checklist; SD, standard deviation; ULRD, upper limb reduction deficiency; AA, acquired amputation; M, male; F, female; Tr, transradial; Th, transhumeral; Shd, shoulder disarticulation; Ed, elbow disarticulation; Wd, wrist disarticulation; Bi, bilateral; Dw, distal from wrist; SHP, standard myoelectric hand prosthesis (with only one grip function); MHP, multi-grip myoelectric hand prosthesis; ME, myoelectric (unknown which subtype); BP, body-powered prosthesis; CP, cosmetic/passive prosthesis; RGT, repertory grid technique; USA, United States; IND, India; UK, United Kingdom; CHE, Switzerland; SWE, Sweden; NL, Netherlands; CAN, Canada; ITA, Italy.