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. 2020 Feb 5;112(1):150–167. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqz349


Characteristics of prospective cohort studies (including nested case-control and case-cohort studies) that evaluated the associations between LA biomarkers and mortality from all causes, CVD, and/or cancer1

Study name, location Sampling year First author, year (ref) Study design Mean follow-up, y Total sample size, n Total deaths, n CVD deaths, n Cancer deaths, n Mortality type Age, y Male, % Tissue type Measuring method Mean/median of LA, %FA Covariates
MP-1, Netherlands 1987–1991 de Goede, 2013 (43) NCC 12.5 444 222 Fatal CAD 50.5 70 Cholesteryl esters GC 43.8 Age, gender, cohort, enrollment date, smoking, BMI, educational level, alcohol intake, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol
MP-2, Netherlands 1993–1997 de Goede, 2013 (43) NCC 12.5 114 57 Fatal CAD 51.7 79 Cholesteryl esters GC 54.4c Age, gender, cohort, enrollment date, smoking, BMI, educational level, alcohol intake, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol
CHS, USA 1992–1993 Wu, 2014 (44) Cohort 9 2792 1994 678 411 All-cause, CVD,2 and cancer 74 36 Phospholipids GC 19.7 Age, sex, race, enrollment site, education, smoking status, prevalent diabetes, atrial fibrillation, and hypertension, leisure-time physical activity, BMI, waist circumference, alcohol use, and plasma phospholipid long-chain n–3 PUFAS (sum of ETA+DPA+DHA, % of total FAs)
1992–1993 Marklund, 2019 (7) Cohort 13 2907 832 CVD 72.1 36 Phospholipids GC-FID 19.7 Age, sex, race, field or clinical center if applicable, BMI, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, diabetes status, treated hypertension, treated hypercholesterolemia, regular aspirin use, biomarker concentrations of ALA, ETA, sum of trans-18:1 FAs, and sum of trans-18:2 FAs
60YO, Sweden 1997–1999 Marklund, 2015 (45) Cohort 14.5 1733 459 All-cause and CVD2 60 47.2 Cholesteryl esters GC 48.5 Age, BMI, smoking, physical activity, education, alcohol intake, diabetes mellitus, drug-treated hypertension, and drug-treated hypercholesterolemia
1997–1998 Marklund, 2019 (7) Cohort 14.5 4150 69 CVD 60.3 48 Cholesteryl esters GC 48.4 Age, sex, race, field or clinical center if applicable, BMI, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, diabetes, treated hypertension, treated hypercholesterolemia, regular aspirin use, biomarker concentrations of ALA, ETA, sum of trans-18:1 FAs, and sum of trans-18:2 FAs
TRIUMPH, USA 2005–2007 Harris, 2013 (46) Cohort 2 1144 135 All-cause 59.5 65.8 Erythrocytes GC 13.3 GRACE score (based on age, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, renal function, congestive heart failure, ST-segment deviation, cardiac arrest, and elevated biomarkers)
ULSAM-70, Sweden 1991–1995 Iggman, 2016 (17) Cohort 14.8 853 605 251 All-cause and CVD 71 100 Adipose tissue GC 12.7 Age, analysis occasion, smoking, BMI, alcohol intake, physical activity, diabetes prevalence, systolic blood pressure, dyslipidemia, and hypertension treatment
ULSAM-50, Sweden 1970–1973 Warensjö, 2008 (47) Cohort 30.7 2009 1012 461 All-cause and CVD 50 100 Cholesteryl esters GC 53.9 Age, total cholesterol, BMI, smoking, physical activity, and hypertension
1970–1973 Kilander, 2001 (48) Cohort > 10 1990 630 301 216 All-cause,2 CVD,2 and cancer 50 100 Cholesteryl esters GC 54 Age
NSCS-Men, Australia 1996 Miura, 2016 (49) Cohort 17 (Max) 444 98 All-cause 50 100 Phospholipids GC 239.75 μg/mL Age, sex, smoking status, blood cholesterol, jaundice measure (proxy serum β-carotene concentration), and history of serious medical condition
NSCS-Women, Australia 1996 Miura, 2016 (49) Cohort 17 (Max) 564 81 All-cause 49 0 Phospholipids GC 257.25 μg/mL Age, sex, smoking status, blood cholesterol, jaundice measure (proxy serum β-carotene concentration), and history of serious medical condition
WHIMS, USA 1996 Harris, 2017 (50) Cohort 14.9 6501 1851 617 462 All-cause, CVD, and cancer 70 0 Erythrocytes GC 11.89 Age, race, hormone therapy assignment, BMI, education, smoking pack-years, physical activity, weekly alcohol intake, waist circumference, region, family history of cancer, family history of CVD, aspirin use, high cholesterol requiring pills, and a history of hypertension, diabetes, CVD, and/or cancer
DIA Patient, Sweden 1996–2010 Huang, 2012 (51) Cohort 1.5 222 61 All-cause 57 61 Phospholipids GLC 19.7 Age, sex, comorbidities (composite score of diabetes and CVD), dialysis modality and protein-energy wasting (Subjective Global Assessment tool), and IL-6
Old patients, Norway 1994–1995 Lindberg, 2008 (52) Cohort <3 254 101 All-cause 82.1 35 Phospholipids GC 18.7 Age, sex, assignment to Geriatric Evaluation and Management Unit treatment, Barthel Index, residence (private home or sheltered housing), current smoking status, history of CVD, and HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, prealbumin, and α-tocopherol concentrations
KIHD, Finland 1984–1989 Virtanen, 2018 (53) Cohort 22.4 2480 1143 575 317 All-cause, CVD, and cancer 53 100 Total serum GC 26.39 Age, examination year, BMI, family history of diabetes, smoking, education, income, leisure-time physical activity, intake of alcohol, serum long-chain n–3 PUFAs, hypertension, family history of CVD, cancer, or diabetes, use of hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, or diabetes medications at baseline or during follow-up, and intakes of SFAs, MUFAs, trans-FAs, fiber, and fruit, berries, and vegetables
1984–1989 Laaksonen, 2005 (35)2 Cohort 14.6 1551 202 69 All-cause and CVD 52 100 Total serum GC 27.9 Age, year of examination, smoking, alcohol consumption, adult socioeconomic status, moderate to vigorous leisure-time physical activity, plasma lipid-standardized α-tocopherol concentrations, plasma ascorbic acid, dietary total energy and energy-adjusted saturated fat and fiber intake, LDL cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, blood pressure medication, family history of ischemic heart disease, C-reactive protein concentrations, fasting concentrations of insulin and nonesterified FAs, and BMI
LURIC, Germany 1997–2000 Delgado, 2017 (54) Cohort 10 3259 975 614 All-cause and CVD 64.9 70 Erythrocytes GC 11.5 Age, gender, BMI, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, log triglycerides, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, and lipid-lowering therapy
EUROASPIRE- Finnish, Finland 1991–1994 Erkkila, 2003 (55) Cohort 5 415 35 18 All-cause and CAD 60.7 69 Cholesteryl esters GC 48.72 Age, sex, diagnostic category (coronary artery bypass grafting, or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty compared with acute myocardial infarction or acute myocardial ischemia), energy intake, serum cholesterol, serum triacylglycerol, diabetes, BMI, and education
EPIC-Norfolk, UK 1993–1997 Marklund, 2019 (7) Cohort 17.6 7016 951 CVD 63.1 49 Phospholipids GC-FID 24.3 Age, sex, race, field or clinical center if applicable, BMI, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, diabetes status, treated hypertension, treated hypercholesterolemia, regular aspirin use, biomarker concentrations of ALA, ETA, sum of trans-18:1 FAs, and sum of trans-18:2 FAs
MCCS, Australia 1990–1994 Marklund, 2019 (7) Cohort 7.1 6265 282 CVD 56.3 46 Phospholipids GLC-FID 20.1 Age, sex, race, field or clinical center if applicable, BMI, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, diabetes status, treated hypertension, treated hypercholesterolemia, regular aspirin use, biomarker concentrations of ALA, ETA, sum of trans-18:1 FAs, and sum of trans-18:2 FAs
MESA, USA 2000–2002 Marklund, 2019 (7) Cohort 8.6 2722 208 CVD 62.1 47 Phospholipids GC-FID 21.5 Age, sex, race, field or clinical center if applicable, BMI, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, diabetes status, treated hypertension, treated hypercholesterolemia, regular aspirin use, biomarker concentrations of ALA, ETA, sum of trans-18:1 FAs, and sum of trans-18:2 FAs
SHHEC, UK 1985–1986 Marklund, 2019 (7) Cohort 23.6 4391 308 CVD 48.7 52 Adipose tissue GC 9.2 Age, sex, race, field or clinical center if applicable, BMI, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, diabetes status, treated hypertension, treated hypercholesterolemia, regular aspirin use, biomarker concentrations of ALA, ETA, sum of trans-18:1 FAs, and sum of trans-18:2 FAs
AGES- Reykjavik, Iceland 2002–2006 Marklund, 2019 (7) Cohort 10 1195 162 CVD 76.6 39 Phospholipids GC-FID 17.7 Age, sex, race, field or clinical center if applicable, BMI, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, diabetes status, treated hypertension, treated hypercholesterolemia, regular aspirin use, biomarker concentrations of ALA, ETA, sum of trans-18:1 FAs, and sum of trans-18:2 FAs
HS, Japan 2002–2003 Marklund, 2019 (7) Cohort 10.2 3103 98 CVD 60.9 42 Total plasma GC 27 Age, sex, race, field or clinical center if applicable, BMI, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, diabetes status, treated hypertension, treated hypercholesterolemia, regular aspirin use, biomarker concentrations of ALA, ETA, sum of trans-18:1 FAs, and sum of trans-18:2 FAs
ARIC, USA 1987–1989 Marklund, 2019 (7) Cohort 22.7 3749 289 CVD 63.9 48 Phospholipids GC 22 Age, sex, race, field or clinical center if applicable, BMI, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, diabetes status, treated hypertension, treated hypercholesterolemia, regular aspirin use, biomarker concentrations of ALA, ETA, sum of trans-18:1 FAs, and sum of trans-18:2 FAs
CCCC, Taiwan, China 1992–2000 Marklund, 2019 (7) Cohort 14.1 1838 306 CVD 60.6 55 Total plasma GC-FID 15.6 Age, sex, race, field or clinical center if applicable, BMI, education, smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, diabetes status, treated hypertension, treated hypercholesterolemia, regular aspirin use, biomarker concentrations of ALA, ETA, sum of trans-18:1 FAs, and sum of trans-18:2 FAs
HSS, USA 2000–2002 Pottala, 2010 (56) Cohort 5.9 956 237 All-cause 67 82 Whole blood GC 22.96 No
PPSII, France 1981–1985 Zureik, 1995 (57) Cohort 9.3 3277 59 Cancer 36–52 100 Cholesteryl esters GC 48.5 Age, smoking, alcohol consumption, BMI, and serum cholesterol
FHS, USA 2005–2008 Harris, 2018 (58) Cohort 7.3 2500 350 58 146 All-cause, CVD, and cancer 66 43 Erythrocytes GC 11.3 Age, sex, BMI, marital status, education, employment, health insurance status, regular aspirin use, prevalent hypertension, cholesterol medication, prevalent diabetes, alcohol consumption, smoking, metabolic equivalents, total to HDL cholesterol ratio, systolic blood pressure, C-reactive protein, omega-3 index
3C, France 1999–2001 Satizabal, 2018 (25) Cohort 8.1 1406 251 All-cause 74.6 39.4 Total plasma GC 24.9 Age, sex, systolic blood pressure, antihypertensive medications, BMI, smoking, diabetes mellitus, and atrial fibrillation
MRFIT, USA 1973–1976 Simon, 1998 (59) NCC 6.9 323 108 Fatal cancer 35–57 100 Cholesteryl esters GLC 51.66 Age, smoking status, date of randomization, clinical center, treatment assignment, alcohol intake, plasma cholesterol concentration, and diastolic blood pressure
1973–1976 Simon, 1998 (59) NCC 6.9 323 108 Fatal cancer 35–57 100 Phospholipids GLC 21.24 Age, smoking status, date of randomization, clinical center, treatment assignment, alcohol intake, plasma cholesterol concentration, and diastolic blood pressure
InCHIANTI, Italy 1998–2000 Lelli, 2019 (42) Cohort < 9 927 318 114 All-cause and CVD 75 44 Total serum GC 24.2 Age, sex, education, BMI, estimated glomerular filtration rate (CKD-EPI), caloric intake/body weight, smoke, hypertension, diabetes, alcohol, and oleic acid consumption

1AGES-Reykjavik, Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility–Reykjavik Study; ALA, α-linolenic acid; ARIC, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; CCCC, Chin-Shan Community Cardiovascular Cohort Study; CHS, Cardiovascular Health Study; CVD, cardiovascular disease, CAD, coronary artery disease; CKD-EPI, Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration; DIA Patient, a small cohort of dialysis patients in Sweden; DPA, docosapentaenoic acid; EPIC, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition; ETA, eicosatetraenoic acid; EUROASPIRE-Finnish, Finnish cohort of EUROASPIRE (European Action on Secondary and Primary Prevention by Intervention to Reduce Events); FA, fatty acid; FHS, Framingham Heart Study; FID, flame-ionization detection; GRACE, Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; HS, Hisayama Study; HSS, Heart and Soul Study; InCHIANTI, longitudinal InCHIANTI study; KIHD, Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study; LA, linoleic acid; LURIC, Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health Study; MCCS, Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study; MESA, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; MP-1 and MP-2, Monitoring Project on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors; MRFIT, Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial; NCC, nested case-control; NSCS, Nambour Skin Cancer Study; PPSII, Paris Prospective Study II; ref, reference; SHHEC, Scottish Heart Health Extended Cohort; TRIUMPH, Translational Research Investigating Underlying disparities in acute Myocardial Infarction Patients’ Health status study; ULSAM-50, Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men investigations, recruitment at 50 y old; ULSAM-70, Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult Men investigations, recruitment at 70 y old; WHIMS, Women's Health Initiative Memory Study; 3C, Three-City Study; 60YO, Stockholm old men and women; Old patients, A small cohort of frail, old patients in Norway.

2Have more updated/completed data shown in other articles and thus these records were not used in analyses.