Fig. 2. PFS.
PFSa with progression defined based a on diagnosticb criteria and b on biochemicalc or diagnostic criteria.d PFS progression-free survival, IMWG International Myeloma Working Group, MM multiple myeloma, FLC free light chain. aPFS was assessed in the intent-to-treat population. bDiagnostic progression was defined per the 2014 IMWG criteria for MM [6] plus additional IMWG FLC progression criteria (a ≥25% increase from nadir in the difference between involved and uninvolved FLC levels [absolute increase must be >10 mg/dl]) [21]. cBiochemical progression was defined as a measurable increase of ≥25% from nadir value in any of the following at any point during follow-up: serum M-component (absolute increase must be ≥0.5 g/dl), urine M-component (absolute increase must be ≥200 mg/24 h), and, in patients without measurable serum and urine M-protein, the difference between involved and uninvolved FLC levels (absolute increase must be >10 mg/dl). dBased on the clinical cutoff date of June 29, 2018.