Table 3.
circRNAs Involved in Other Diseases
Diseases | circRNAs | Method | +/− | Axis | Effects | Samples | Ref. |
SNI | circRNA.2837 | HT RNA-seq | − | circRNA.2837-miR-34 family-LC3-II/p62 | protects neurons against injury by inducing autophagy | ISN of rats | 90 |
NI | mmu-circRNA-015947 | circRNA-array | + | mmu-circRNA-015947-mmu-miR-(188-3p, 329-5p, 3057-3p, 5098, 683) | may be involved in the process of IRI | HT22 cells with OGD/R | 91 |
AD | ciRS-7 | N/A | − | ciRS-7-miRNA-7-UBE2A | regulates the downregulation of UBE2A expression | human AD brain tissues | 93,94 |
PD | circDLGAP4 | N/A | − | circDLGAP4-miR-134-5p-CREB signaling | inhibits viability, induces apoptosis, increases mitochondrial damage, attenuates autophagy, and thereby increases the neurotoxic effects | MPTP-induced PD mouse model and MPP+-induced PD cell models |
102 |
OA | mmu-circRNA-30365; mmu-circRNA-36866 | HT RNA-seq | new molecular targets for treatment of OA | IL-1β-induced MACs | 24 | ||
OA | circRNA_Atp9b | N/A | + | circRNA_Atp9b-miR-138-5p-type II collagen/MMP13/IL-6 and COX-2 |
knockdown of circRNA_Atp9b increases the synthesis of type II collagen, reduces the expression of MMP13, IL-6, and COX-2 | IL-1β-induced MACs | 27 |
OA | circRNA-MSR | circRNA-array | + | circRNA-MSR-miR-875-TNF-α | silencing of circRNA-MSR will downregulated TNF-α and increase ECM formation | knee joint tissues of patients | 103 |
OA | circRNA-CER | circRNA-array | + | circRNA-CER-miR-136-MMP13 | silencing of circRNA-CER will downregulate MMP13 expression and increase ECM formation | knee joint tissues of OA patients | 104 |
DM | circHIPK3 | N/A | + | circHIPK3-miR-30a-VEGFC/Wnt2/FZD4 | silencing circHIPK3 can alleviate retinal vascular dysfunction | human and mouse retinal endothelial cells | 105 |
SNI, sciatic nerve injury; ISN, injured sciatic nerve; NI, neuron injury; IRI, cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury; OGD/R, oxygen-glucose deprivation/reoxygenation; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; PD, Parkinson’s disease; OA, osteoarthritis; MACs, mouse articular chondrocytes; ECM, extracellular matrix; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; DM, diabetes mellitus; HT RNA-seq, high-throughput RNA sequencing; circRNA-array: circRNA microarray; N/A, not available; +, upregulate; −, downregulate; COX-2, cyclooxygenase 2.