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. 2020 Jun 10;27:102308. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102308

Table 3.

fMRI results: Results of the fMRI analysis. Shown are the peak activations, cluster size and corresponding AAL labels of the peak activation for the different analyzed contrasts as well as the used correction for multiple comparisons (i.e. FWE correction on peak voxels for main effects and on cluster level for interaction effects).

Location (AAL) hemisphere x y z Clustersize p-value T –value (peak voxel)
Explicit > Neutral; FWE peak > 25
inferior occipital gyrus L −44 −76 −6 15,139 0 15.65
Posterior orbital frontal cortex R 28 32 −14 180 0 7.51
Inferior Parietal cortex R 30 −48 54 589 0 9.42
Superior medial frontal /ACC L/R −4 48 20 1694 0 9.21
Thalamus L/R 0 −10 10 98 0 8.95
Posterior orbital frontal cortex L −30 32 −14 229 0 8.55
Caudate nucleus R 24 −28 28 84 0 8.41
PCC L/R −2 −48 28 348 0 8.17
Hippocampus R 32 –32 −2 109 0 7.36
Insula L −34 24 10 40 0 7.25
Caudate nucleus L −18 0 30 43 0 7.23
Middle cingulate cortex R 20 −16 34 38 0 7.15
Middle cingulate cortex L –22 −40 36 29 0 6.86
Middle cingulate cortex L −2 −18 40 30 0.001 6.64
Caudate nucleus L −12 18 8 39 0.001 6.46
Caudate nucleus R 8 16 6 34 0.002 6.42
Middle frontal 2 L −26 40 28 28 0.003 6.3
Precuneus L/R 0 −58 66 41 0.003 6.23
Neutral > Explicit; FWE peak > 25
Parahippocampal gyrus R 24 −28 −16 20 0.001 6,57
Angular gyrus R 44 −64 52 5 0.007 6.04
Parahippocampal gyrus L −18 −36 −12 1 0.029 5.68
Insula L −36 −26 20 1 0.037 5.6
Difficult > Easy; FWE peak > 25
Cerebellum L −28 −56 –32 1089 0 13.52
Supplemental motor area L/R −4 16 44 6678 0 13.12
Insula R 34 22 2 1750 0 12.88
cerebellum R 34 −52 −30 856 0 11.79
Precuneus L/R −6 −60 52 4649 0 11.77
Superior Frontal R 24 12 60 3733 0 11.6
Cerebellum R 30 −62 −48 499 0 10.94
Cerebellum L −6 −52 −56 65 0 8.61
Anterior Orbitofrontal Cortex R 22 40 −12 47 0 6.85
Cerebellum R/L −2 −44 −16 52 0 6.72
Easy > Difficult; FWE peak > 25
Middle temporal cortex R 52 −74 4 4580 0 11.11
Precuneus R/L 6 −50 24 1463 0 10.76
Hippocampus L −24 −18 −16 3316 0 10.25
Inferior orbitofrontal cortex L −34 34 −12 107 0 10.13
Rolandic operculum R 54 −4 10 1262 0 9.41
Supplemental motor area R/L 2 −16 52 540 0 7.03
Superior frontal cortex L −12 38 52 80 0 8.53
Middle temporal pole R 42 22 −34 341 0 6.86
Olfactory L/R −2 26 −12 603 0 8.29
Cerebellum R 26 −76 −34 25 0 7.86
Inferior orbitofrontal cortex R 38 34 −12 58 0 7.84
Precentral gyrus R 46 –22 64 279 0 7.77
Middle temporal cortex L −58 6 −18 67 0 7.48
Inferior frontal tri R 52 36 12 51 0 7.04
Middle temporal pole L −46 14 −34 61 0 6.92
Superior temporal L −54 −6 6 32 0 6.9
Superior medial frontal L −6 52 36 37 0 6.88
Cerebellum L −28 −80 −34 49 0.001 6.56
Middle temporal L −64 −8 −12 51 0.001 6.53
Difficulty × Explicitness:
Explicit (easy > difficult) > Neutral (easy > difficult); FWE cluster
Inferior occipital L −44 −70 −6 1804 0.000 6.58
Insula L −30 18 −12 271 0.000 5.78
Middle temporal L −58 −18 −10 173 0.000 5.02
Inferior parietal R 32 −48 54 912 0.000 4.83
Inferior temporal R 48 −62 −4 296 0.000 4.78
Anterior cingulate cortex L/R −2 30 26 758 0.000 4.77
Supramarginal gyrus L −60 –32 40 193 0.000 4.74
Precueneus L −10 −62 70 1433 0.000 4.69
Superior frontal L –22 30 50 156 0.001 4.88
Inferior frontal operculum L −46 14 32 585 0.000 4.52
Medial orbitofrontal cortex L/R −2 46 −8 99 0.013 4.47
Sexual beahvior × Explicitness:
Patient (explicit > neutral) > Control (explicit > neutral); FWE cluster
Lingual gyrus L −2 −82 2 84 0,032 4,34