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. 2020 Jun 23;21:e21. doi: 10.1017/S1463423620000158

Table 3.

Topic guide for GPs that participated

NPT area Question and prompts
To start off, could you tell me a little about yourself?
  • 1.

    Your role and how long you have been at the practice

  • 2.

    Your knowledge and/or experience of clinical microsystems prior to the programme

  • 3.

    Your involvement in the clinical microsystems programme

  • 4.

    Tell me about the project(s) you were involved with

Sense making/coherence What were your expectations for the clinical microsystems programme?
  • 5.

    What were you hoping the programme would bring to the practice?

  • 6.

    Why did you feel there was a need for the programme?

  • 7.

    Did you feel well prepared about what it would involve for the practice?

Participation/engagement Was there ‘buy-in’ to the programme?
  • 8.

    Were all staff in the practice happy to be involved in the programme? Did this change over time?

  • 9.

    Did someone in the practice have to champion it?

  • 10.

    How important is the enhanced service payment for buy-in? Does it need to be continued to sustain buy-in?

Action/doing What did the programme actually require the practice to do?
  • 11.

    How much time did this take? What activities did you have to undertake?

  • 12.

    How helpful were specific tasks related to mapping the 5Ps?

  • 13.

    Can you tell me about the coach?

  • 14.

    How would you describe their approach?

  • 15.

    How important was the coach?

  • 16.

    What was their relationship with the practice?

  • 17.

    How often did you see them? How did they maintain contact?

  • 18.

    Could they have done things differently?

Appraisal Finally, what value you think the programme provided?
  • 19.

    Were there any key ingredients that you think made the project successful? OR

    Were there any key ingredients lacking from the project that hindered its success?

  • 20.

    What aspects of the clinical microsystems approach overall do you think are essential?

  • 21.

    How would you describe the changes the programme bought for the practice?

  • 22.

    Who has benefited most from the programme and how?

  • 23.

    How do you think the programme equips your practice for future challenges?

  • 24.

    Would you recommend the programme to others? Can you elaborate?

  • 25.

    How could the programme be improved?