Fig. 4.
Effect of extracellular catalase on ROS and HbNO formation in human RBCs.
A-B) Effect of catalase on ROS formation (A) in total erythrocytes assayed by DCFDA (1 μmol/L) fluorescence; and on HbNO concentrations (B) assayed by EPR in human RBCs (50% haematocrit) pre-incubated with Spermine-NONOate (50 μmol/L; 45 min). Non-PEGylated catalase was pre-incubated under venous O2 level (4% O2; 45 min), then H2O2 (10 μmol/L; or vehicle) added and fluorescence measured every 5 min. (A); or erythrocytes were frozen every 15 min up to 45 min for low-temperature EPR spectroscopy (B).
C) Typical EPR spectra recorded in human RBC samples frozen at 30 min after pre-treatment with 50 μmol/L of Spermine-NONOate, without (a–c) or with (b–d) catalase (45 min at 4% of O2), and exposed to vehicle (a–b) or H2O2 (c–d). The hyperfine structure (hfs) of the HbNO EPR signal is shown by the arrows.
D) Erythrocyte HbNO concentrations quantified from EPR signals of RBCs (50% of haematocrit in isotonic buffer) pre-incubated with antioxidant enzymes SOD or catalase at 21% of O2 and then, exposed to graded concentrations of Spermine-NONOate for 45 min at 1% of O2 before freezing for the low-temperature EPR assay.
Data in A, B and D are shown as mean values ± SEM and treated using a mixed model statistical analysis with Dunnett's adjustment for multiple comparisons; *P < 0.05 $P < 0.01; n = 3–6 different RBC preparations.