Fig. 3. Effect of gestational chronic binge alcohol exposure on mTORC1 signaling in the fetal hippocampus.
Immunoblot analysis showed that gestational chronic binge alcohol exposure significantly increased (A) P-4E-BP1 level (↑ 41%; P = 0.0156) and (B) total 4E-BP1 expression (↑ 20%; P = 0.0251) in the fetal hippocampi. (C) Immunofluorescence staining shows that P-4E-BP1 was expressed in the oriens layer (OL) of the fetal hippocampus and the representative image shows CA3 field near fimbria (FI). (D) Gestational alcohol exposure significantly increased (↑ 57%; P = 0.0383) the level of P-p70 S6K, whereas (E) total p70 S6K expression was not different between groups. Data are shown as mean ± SEM and as fold of control. *, Significance was established a priori at P < 0.05.