Table 2.
Concerns relating to Open Science and their applicability to and mitigation within Open Synthesis
Concern relating to Open Science | Description of the concern | Applicability to Open Synthesis | Potential mitigations for Open Synthesis |
Exacerbation of power imbalance and inequality or exclusion of minorities [24] | Open Science practices applied within the current incentive structures and institutions can exacerbate power imbalance and inequality, particularly adversely affecting minorities and the vulnerable or oppressed | Highly applicable to evidence syntheses, just as with primary research. | Open Synthesis principles can be endorsed rather than enforced to avoid penalizing vulnerable researchers who may struggle to be Open. Structures can be put in place to support minorities and vulnerable researchers (e.g., publication fee waivers for low- and middle-income researchers [25], mentoring in Open practices). |
Risk of misuse [26] | Open Data and Code may be reused or reanalyzed incorrectly, potentially for nefarious reasons | Although some data in syntheses are in the public domain, some data from unpublished studies or unpublished outcomes obtained from authors are not available in the public domain. Furthermore, the calculation of effect sizes may use assumptions that affect the estimates calculated. | Ensure full methodological transparency to avoid misunderstandings, including annotation of analytic or statistical code and any assumptions. Adequate reference and easy linkage to the original data source should be provided for clarity. |
Risk of public misunderstanding (e.g., [27]) | Detailed language and nuance of data may be misunderstood by lay people, nonspecialists, or those who did not collect the data | Systematic reviews are typically not intended to be a means of communication with the public (plain language summaries instead). The risk is not higher for Open Synthesis relative to standard synthesis. | Synthesis methods must be detailed enough and follow standard language to allow full understanding. |
Potential to be overwhelmed by information [28] | Publication of large volumes of data or information may make it difficult to find important details within/across studies | Information is typically more structured across evidence syntheses than primary research because they use a common methodological framework. | Standardized reporting templates could be built to support or facilitate metadata formatting so that information is readily found and understood. Reviewers could provide different versions with different levels of detail for different audiences (e.g., Plain language summary for the lay public). |
Fear of repercussions if mistakes are unearthed after publication [29] | Authors may fear that they could be subjected to persecution if mistakes are identified in their methods after publication and so may prefer to keep data and analyses private | There is potential for error in the identification, selection, appraisal, and analysis of studies included in systematic reviews | Reviewers should be incentivized to admit errors and supported when these occur. Institutional punitive measures for publishing corrections or retractions should first examine the reasons behind the action, avoiding blanket punishments and acknowledge authors who act ethically and responsibly, while promoting and rewarding Open behaviors. Open Synthesis should be reframed as an opportunity to validate findings as opposed to detecting mistakes. |
Publication of data leads to “research parasitism” [30] | Some researchers feel that reuse of data or methods by others is an unfair practice and that authors alone should retain exclusive rights | Cochrane, the Campbell Collaboration and the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence allow review teams the right to lead updates to their reviews for a fixed period. Data collected and used in an evidence synthesis is typically already in the public domain, anyway. | Raise awareness of the benefits in legacy and impact of research resulting from reuse of data. Ensure those reusing data provide appropriate and full acknowledgment of data sources. Reconsider rules for academic credit, reward, and promotion. |
Belief that low quality science will proliferate [31] | [Specifically referring to Open Peer Review and preprints] some argue that a lack of traditional peer review for preprints removes the gatekeeping that ensures research validity, and low-quality research will become common | Preprints are, in part, a response to a lack of immediate Open Access and closed peer review. They are not an integral part of Open Science but rather an extension of it. Current institutions and incentive structures may not be sufficient to prevent low quality evidence syntheses from being published, but this is also the case for those that are traditionally peer reviewed. | Make use of opportunities for Open Peer Review that complement and strengthen preprints (i.e., postpublication peer review;,31). Raise awareness and establish standard communication practices for understanding preprints within the communications community (i.e., journalists and institutional communications officers). Ensure preprints follow standards for conducting and reporting evidence synthesis (e.g., PRISMA and ROSES) |
Increased resources needed to attain Openness [26,32] | Ensuring that data and information are made fully Open may require resources (time and funding) that are not readily available to all | The large amounts of data potentially produced within a systematic review project could require considerable resources to clean and annotate if not planned from the outset, particularly for analytic code. Open Collaboration could require considerable time to manage if roles and tasks are not carefully predefined. | Openness can be achieved for the most part by using cost-free alternatives (e.g., self-archiving to avoid publication fees and the use of free data repositories) and by incentivizing and institutionalizing Open and transparent practices from an early career stage (e.g., good code annotation practices). However, this point is not trivial and highlights the need for careful planning across all aspects of Open Synthesis; planning can significantly reduce resource requirements. Standardizing methods and processes and tools used to abstract and store data could assist in this process [33] |
Risk of “platform capitalism” (i.e., commercialization of public data) [34] | The free availability of data permits the development of subscription-based/pay-to-use services (e.g., that aim to provide additional services using public data (e.g., analytics) and platforms that may exploit or disadvantage certain groups of people (e.g., by charging for a service that is otherwise already free elsewhere) | Grass roots and no-cost alternatives to these services are often available but awareness of free-to-use services is vital to avoid entrapment by commercial enterprises (e.g., paying a publisher to access an article that is already Open Access). | Noncommercial use Creative Commons licenses may help restrict/prevent commercial use of Open Data (e.g., CC BY-NC 3.0), but they are not without criticism, for example, that Creative Commons licenses are based on copyright law that is overly restrictive to academic collaborations [35]. |
Need to maintain confidentiality [36,37] | Research subjects are typically provided anonymity that may mean publication of raw data is not feasible or safe | Evidence syntheses often make use of summary data not disaggregated at the level of individual participants, and for these reviews this may not be an issue. Individual participant data (IPD) meta-analyses, however, may not be able to publish data openly. | For IPD meta-analyses, the requirements for Open Data may need to be relaxed or adapted in some contexts to ensure anonymity can be maintained. For example, data on request repositories for individual patient data exist [38]. Standardized ethical practices could be established where needed for IPD meta-analysis. |
Institutional barriers including career incentives that reward closed practices [39] | Career incentives in academic typically and historically center around publication in high-impact journals that are prohibitively expensive to publish Open Access. Recruitment and promotion in academia typically also do not reward or acknowledge Open practices. Institutions may not understand/accept the desire to be Open | Systematic reviewers often work within institutions established around primary research practices, so the same incentives apply. Organizations primarily focusing on evidence synthesis may already have Open practices. | Incentive structures are likely to change over time as Open Science practices become more common, but authorities must take a stand to support researchers who are likely to be disadvantaged by being more Open (e.g., early career researchers). |