Table One:
Study-Level Characteristics, including ab path model
Author Name (date) | N | CBT condition | Contrast condition | a path1 | b path2 |
Between-condition studies | |||||
Brown et al. (2002) | 131 | Structured Relapse Prevention | Twelve-Step Facilitation (TSF) | CBT + confidence - temptation ns 12-step adoption |
confidence - ASI, days used temptation + ASI, days used |
Glasner-Edwards et al. (2007) | 148 | Integrated, Dual Disorder-Specific Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ICBT) | Twelve Step Facilitation (TSF) | ICBT ns self-efficacy ns affect regulation ns social support - 12 step affiliation |
self-efficacy + days abstinent 12 step affiliation + days abstinent |
Johnson et al. (2006) | 1863 | Cognitive Behavioral Veteran’s Administration Program (CB program) | 12 Step Veteran’s Administration Program (12 step program) | CB program + self-efficacy ns CB-specific coping skills ns general coping skills - 12 step coping skill |
mediators ns abstinence, ns reduced problems |
Kiluk et al. (2010) | 52 | Technology delivered CBT (CBT4CBT) plus treatment as usual (TAU) | treatment as usual (TAU) | CBT4CBT ns quantity of coping response + quality of best coping response + quality of overall coping response |
quality of best coping response + days abstinent quality of overall coping response + days abstinent |
Kiluk et al. (2017) | 71 | Technology delivered CBT (CBT4CBT) plus treatment as usual (TAU) | treatment as usual (TAU) | CBT4CBT ns quality of best coping response ns quality of overall coping response |
quality of overall coping response + days abstinent |
Litt et al. (2003) | 128 | Coping Skills Therapy (CBT) | Interactional Group Therapy (IGT) | CBT ns total coping score | total coping score + abstinent days, - heavy drinking days, + total abstinence, + time to lapse |
Litt et al. (2018) | 166 | Packaged Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (PCBT) | case management (CM) | CBT ns social network measures ns self-efficacy ns coping skills ns emotional distress |
coping skills + treatment responder status |
**Maisto et al. (2015) | 952 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) | Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)/Twelve Step Facilitation (TSF) | CBT X alliance + self-efficacy | self-efficacy - drinking days, - drinks per drinking day, - drinking consequences |
**Roos et al. (2017) | 323 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) | Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) | CBT + coping skills | coping skills - drinking days ns heavy drinking days |
**Roos et al. (2017) | 338 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) | Twelve Step Facilitation (TSF) | CBT + coping skills | coping skills - drinking days - heavy drinking days |
Sandahl et al. (2004) | 49 | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) | Psychodynamic Group (PG) | CBT - perceived control ns self-efficacy |
perceived control ns abstinent days self-efficacy + abstinent days |
*Subbaraman et al. (2013) | 431 | Combined Behavioral Intervention (CBI) | Placebo with no CBI | CBI - craving | craving + abstinent days |
*Subbaraman et al. (2013) | 418 | Combined Behavioral Intervention (CBI) with naltrexone | Placebo with no CBI | CBI - craving | craving + abstinent days |
Sugarman et al. (2010) | 48 | Technology delivered CBT (CBT4CBT) plus treatment as usual (TAU) | treatment as usual (TAU) | CBT4CBT ns total coping score | total coping score - frequency of drug use |
*Witkiewitz et al. (2018) | 1124 | Combined Behavioral Intervention (CBI) plus medication management (MM) | All MM only conditions | CBI + broad coping repertoire | broad coping repertoire - heavy drinking days, - drinking consequences |
Within-condition studies | |||||
*Hartzler et al. (2011) | 157 | Combined Behavioral Intervention (CBI) | bond + self-efficacy | self-efficacy - drinking frequency, - drinking consequences, - global symptom severity |
*Hartzler et al. (2011) | 607 | Combined Behavioral Intervention (CBI) plus medication management (MM) | bond ns self-efficacy | self-efficacy - drinking frequency, - drinking consequences, - global symptom severity |
*Witkiewitz et al. (2012) | 776 | Combined Behavioral Intervention (CBI) | drink refusal module + self-efficacy | self-efficacy - drinking frequency |
Notes. K = 15, with 10 independent samples. It a study considered multiple between- or within-condition models, each contrast contributed a row. Studies contributing multiple rows are: Hartzler et al. (2011); Roos et al. (2017); Subbarraman et al. (2013). CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy; ASI = Addiction Severity Index; ns = non-significant; + = increase; - = decrease. * COMBINE Study (Anton et al., 2006). ** Project MATCH Research Group (1997). Study-level notes. Brown et al. (2002) 1 Condition differences at post-treatment only. 2 Remaining use outcomes ns (three measures). Glasner-Edwards et al. (2007) 2 Affect regulation and social support ns. Johnson et al. (2006) 1 Self-efficacy effect only for CB program participants who did not attend continuing care. 2 Of 21 CB, 12 step, and general coping measures, all program by variable effects on outcome were ns for CB programs. Mediation not tested for CB programs. Kiluk et al. (2010) 2 Urine screen outcomes ns. Mediation demonstrated for CBT4CBT efficacy on 8 week days abstinence via quality of coping response. Kiluk et al. (2017) 1 When participants with low coping at baseline were examined, a time by condition effect for CBT4CBT on quality of coping response was observed. 2 no mediation effects were detected. Litt et al. (2003) 1Given coping did not differ by condition, the authors examined self-efficacy and motivation as patient factors associated with changes in coping and subsequent abstinent days; the model was supported. Litt et al. (2018) 1 A total of 10 measures were examined. 2The study found a significant mediation effect for coping skills in the responder v non-responder analyses, but not the late relapse v non-responder analyses. Maisto et al. (2015) 2 Mediation effect for CBT by alliance interaction, as a predictor of self-efficacy and subsequent drinking outcome ns (3 measures). Roos et al. (2017) 1 CBT effect on coping skills present for outpatient participants with high dependence severity. 2 Moderated mediation effects supported. Sandahl et al. (2004) 1 A total of 7 self-efficacy and self-control sub-scales tested. 2 Testing control and social pressure sub-scales. Subbaraman et al. (2013) 2 Mediation effect significant for cravings measured at week 12, but not week 4 for CBI. Mediation effect significant at weeks 4 and 12 for CBI with naltrexone. Sugarman et al. (2010) 1 Sample overlapping with Kiluk et al. (2010). 2 Correlation of total coping change and drug use frequency more negative in CBT4CBT condition. Witkiewitz et al. (2018) 1 CBI predicted reduced odds of being in the narrow compared to broad coping repertoire class. 2 Mediation demonstrated for membership in the high versus low and occasional versus low heavy drinking and consequence classes. Hartzler et al. (2011) 1 The study examined therapeutic bond sub-scale. 2 Mediation demonstrated within the CBI only condition. Witkiewitz et al. (2012) 2 Mediation demonstrated for end of treatment and 12-month outcomes.