(A and B) Western blots for phosphorylated p70-S6K (P-p70-S6K), p70-S6K (A and B), phosphorylated ERK1/2 (P-ERK1/2), ERK1/2 and HSC70 (B) were performed on M1268T MET-expressing cells treated with DMSO, dynasore (80 μM) or UO126 (10 μM), as indicated. Data below blots are mean ± SEM, phospho:total ratio, obtained by densitometry of N=3 independent biological replicates. (C) Western blots for phosphorylated p70-S6K (P-p70-S6K), p70-S6K, HSC70 and Rac1 were performed on M1268T MET-expressing cells transfected with negative control or Rac1 siRNA (“RNAi”). Below are mean levels of indicated phosphorylated protein over total protein ± SEM, obtained by densitometry of Western blots. N=3 independent biological replicates. (D and E) Relative colony area of (D) wild-type and M1268T MET-expressing cells and (E) U87MG cells transfected with negative control or Rac1 RNAi and grown in soft agar. N=3 independent biological replicates. Data (A to E) are mean values ± SEM. P values were obtained with the Student’s t test. NS: non-significant, *P<0.05, ***P<0.005.