Table 8.
Model fit for Bayesian Confirmatory Factor Analyses
PPp | 95%CI | DIC | BIC | |
AMI | .50 | − 65.91 – 65.45 | 10,621.16 | 12,064.79 |
PAMI | .34 | −50.34 – 79.85 | 10,628.37 | 11,769.57 |
Note. AMI Approximate Measurement Invariance Model; APMI Approximate Partial Measurement Invariance Model; PPp Prior-posterior checking p-value (values close to .50 and 95% Credible Interval containing zero indicate good fit). * 95% Credible Interval of posterior density does not include zero; DIC Deviance Information Criterion. BIC Bayesian Information Criterion