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. 2020 May;12(5):2691–2705. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2020.03.69

Table S2. Characteristics of the exercise training programs.

Author Year Design Exercise training group intervention Control group intervention Duration Result
Mereles et al. 2006 RCT • Interval bicycle ergometer training 7 days/week at low workloads
• Exercise intensity at 60% to 80% of PeakVO2
• 60 min of walking 5 days/week
• 5 days/week of 30 min of resistance training
• 30 min of respiratory training 5 days/week
• 3 weeks in hospital supervised training followed by 12 weeks training at home
• Common rehabilitation program based on healthy nutrition, physical therapy such as massages, inhalation, counselling, and muscular relaxation without exercise and respiratory training 15 weeks 6MWD ↑; QOL ↑; VO2 (peak+AT) ↑; Workload ↑; WHO FC ↑
Ley et al. 2013 RCT • Same as Mereles et al. 2006 • Routine daily activities and no specific exercise intervention 3 weeks 6MWD ↑; MRI perfusion (pulmonary blood volume) ↑; peak flow↑
Chan et al. 2013 RCT • Aerobic training intervention 24–30 sessions of medically supervised treadmill walking for 30–45 min per session.
• Target exercise intensity of 70% to 80% of each patient’s heart rate (HR) reserve obtained from the baseline.
• Education intervention.
• 1 hour of education intervention including lung disease processes, medication use, oxygen therapy, sleep disorders, panic control, relaxation techniques, breathing retraining, community resources etc. 10 weeks 6MWD ↑
Ehlken 2015 RCT • In-hospital training for 3 weeks
• Home-based exercise training for 12 weeks
• Protocol same as Mereles et al. 2006
• Usual care 15 weeks peak VO2 ↑; 6MWD ↑; QOL ↑; cardiac index ↑; mPAP↓
Saglam et al. 2015 RCT • Inspiratory muscle training at 30% of the maximum inspiratory pressure which is measured each week
• 30 min/day
• 7 day/week
• 6 weeks
• Sham inspiratory muscle training at a fixed workload of 10% of the maximum inspiratory pressure;
• 30 min/day
• 7 day/week
• 6 weeks
6 weeks 6MWD↑; maximum inspiratory pressure ↑; maximum expiratory pressure↑; FEV1, FVC↑
González-Saiz et al. 2017 RCT • Aerobic training: treadmill dynamometer, 20–40 minutes/session, 5 sessions/week (Monday to Friday), a total of 40 sessions, gradually increase the duration/intensity of each session according to personal situation
• Resistance training: 3 sessions/week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), a total of 24 sessions
• Respiratory exercise: 2 sessions/day (one at the hospital in the morning, one at home in the evening), 6 day/week
• Meet regularly with clinicians 8 weeks The improvement of 6MWD was not obvious; muscle strength ↑; PeakVO 2
Shigefumi Fukui
et al.
2016 Non-RCT • Hospital training for 1 week: walking, bicycle ergometer, low-intensity resistance exercise in lower limbs
• Outpatient training for 11 weeks: walking, 30–60 minutes/time, 4–5 times/week; low-intensity resistance exercise in lower limbs, 3 days/week
• Patients recorded the time and times of exercise
• Educational courses, including lifestyle guidance, counselling, psychological support
• Maintenance of pulmonary hypertension targeted drug therapy 12 weeks 6MWD (−); PeakVO2 ↑; exercise load ↑; QOL↑; Quadriceps strength ↑; WHO FC↑
Martínez-Quintana et al. 2010 Non-RCT • 3 months in-hospital training: 2 days/week
• Training sessions with 10 minutes of warming up, brief period of resistance exercise (1–2 kg), interval of bicycle ergometer training (10–25 weeks for 24 minutes, 20–50 weeks for 30 seconds)
• 9 months of home training: walk on flat ground every day and do exercises similar to exercise training in hospital
• Maintain daily activities without special exercise intervention 12 months 6MWD (−); QOL ↑; limb strength ↑; WHO FC↑
Fox et al. 2011 Non-RCT • Supervised 24 biweekly 1 hour sessions of exercise training in two 6-week blocks
• Exercise intensity at 60% to 80% of peak VO2
In the first block, subjects did interval training with treadmill walking, cycling, and step climbing
• In the second block, subjects performed longer periods of continuous aerobic exercise, with resistance training
• Usual care with maintenance of routine daily activities and no specific exercise intervention 12 weeks 6MWD ↑; peak VO2
Grünig/Maier et al. 2012 Pre-post intervention study • 3 weeks of supervised training in hospital
• 1.5 hours/day, 7 days/week, including interval bicycle ergometer training at low workload (10–60 W), single group muscle training—low workload dumbbell training (500–1,000 g), respiratory training 5 days/week;
• 12-week home-based training: more than 30 minutes/day, 5 days/week
15 weeks 6MWD ↑; QOL ↑; VO2↑; PASP ↓ (3 weeks)
Grünig/Lichtblau et al. 2012 Pre-post intervention study Protocol same as Grünig/Maier et al. 2012 15 weeks 6MWD ↑; QOL ↑; peak VO2 ↑; WHO FC ↑; activity tolerance↑
Nagel et al. 2012 Pre-post intervention study Protocol same as Grünig/Maier et al. 2012 15 weeks 6MWD ↑; QOL ↑; peak VO2↑; NT-proBNP ↓; (3 weeks)
Becker-Grünig et al. 2013 Pre-post intervention study Protocol same as Grünig/Maier et al. 2012. 15 weeks 6MWD ↑; QOL ↑
Kabitz et al. 2014 Pre-post intervention study Protocol same as Grünig/Maier et al. 2012 15 weeks 6MWD ↑; TwPmo↑
Grünig et al. 2011 Pre-post intervention study • 3 weeks of supervised training in hospital
• 1.5 hours/day, 7 days/week, including walking, single group muscle training - low workload dumbbell training (500–1,000 g), respiratory training 5 days/week
• 24±12 months of Home-based training: a personal training manual, bicycle ergometer training
15 weeks 6MWD ↑; QOL ↑; peak VO2 ↑; WHO FC ↑; HRrest ↓; workload↑
Inagaki et al. 2014 Pre-post intervention study • 12 week outpatient rehabilitation program with one in hospital class each week and home based rehabilitation 24–30 sessions over 10 weeks
• Combination of strength, endurance and respiratory exercises
• Endurance training at 60% of target heart rate
12 weeks 6MWD ↑; quadriceps strength↑
de Man et al. 2009 Pre-post intervention study • The standardized exercise protocol adopted from the AHA guidelines for rehabilitation of CHF patients
• Supervised exercise training consisted of cycling (based on VO2max assessed at baseline measurements)
and quadriceps muscle training (based on repetition maximum assessed on the first day of training)
• 3 times/week
12 weeks 6MWD (−); peak VO2 (−); endurance improved; No. of capillaries per myocyte ↑; oxidative enzymes ↑