HRs (95% CIs) of T2D by hypothetical substitution of soybean oil, canola oil, or sesame oil for the sum of lard, peanut oil, refined blended plant oil, and other plant cooking oils (8 g · 2000 kcal−1 · d−1) among Chinese adults. HRs were adjusted for age, sex, BMI (in kg/m2; <18.5, 18.5–23.9, 24–27.9, or ≥28), education (less than high school, high school, some college, or at least college), marital status (never married, married or living as married, widowed/divorced/separated, or unknown), income (quartile), site (urban or rural), physical activity (no regular activity, low to moderate activity, or vigorous activity), smoking (never, former, current, or unknown), alcohol drinking status (abstainer or drinker), history of hypertension (yes, no, or unknown), and intakes of total energy, red meat, white meat, vegetables, and fruit. T2D, type 2 diabetes.