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. 2020 Jun 27;11:100620. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2020.100620

Table A3.

Logistic Regressions for ‘Obesity'.

Y = Obese Men
Change in Sex Id (Ref: No Change)
Toward homosexual 0.799 0.806 0.819* 0.802*
0.53,1.21 0.53,1.22 0.66,1.02 0.64,1.00
Toward heterosexual 1.43 1.445 0.799 0.791
0.90,2.27 0.91,2.29 0.59,1.08 0.58,1.07
Age 0.969 0.97 0.998 0.998
0.93,1.01 0.93,1.01 0.96,1.04 0.96,1.04
Race/Ethnicity (Ref: Hispanic)
white 0.630*** 0.630*** 0.816** 0.816**
0.52,0.76 0.52,0.76 0.67,1.00 0.67,1.00
black 0.732*** 0.736** 1.528*** 1.526***
0.58,0.93 0.58,0.93 1.21,1.93 1.21,1.92
asian 0.453*** 0.455*** 0.593*** 0.592***
0.33,0.63 0.33,0.63 0.41,0.85 0.41,0.85
other 0.578*** 0.579*** 0.914 0.909
0.38,0.88 0.38,0.88 0.61,1.38 0.60,1.37
Level of Education (Ref: less than HS)
high school 1.005 1 1.619*** 1.646***
0.75,1.34 0.75,1.33 1.14,2.30 1.16,2.34
some college or vocational training 1.063 1.054 1.354* 1.392**
0.82,1.38 0.81,1.37 0.98,1.87 1.01,1.92
college degree or more 0.815 0.803 0.81 0.841
0.61,1.09 0.60,1.07 0.58,1.14 0.60,1.19
Enrolled in school 1.143 1.144 0.878 0.875
0.93,1.41 0.93,1.41 0.73,1.05 0.73,1.05
Living with (Ref: Parents)
on my own 0.989 0.985 0.805** 0.807**
0.80,1.22 0.80,1.22 0.65,1.00 0.65,1.00
other 0.942 0.946 0.751 0.745*
0.70,1.27 0.70,1.28 0.53,1.06 0.53,1.05
Relationship Status (Ref: Single or Dating)
married 1.565*** 1.550*** 1.097 1.112
1.29,1.90 1.27,1.89 0.91,1.33 0.92,1.35
cohabiting 1.164 1.161 1.046 1.055
0.94,1.45 0.93,1.44 0.84,1.30 0.85,1.31
divorced, separated, widow 0.858 0.862 0.977 0.972
0.61,1.20 0.62,1.21 0.74,1.30 0.73,1.29
Number of children 0.992 0.994 1.052 1.048
0.92,1.07 0.92,1.07 0.98,1.13 0.98,1.12
Physically Inactive Wave 3 0.951 0.95 0.823** 0.822**
0.78,1.16 0.78,1.16 0.70,0.97 0.70,0.97
Obese in Wave 3 35.404*** 35.385*** 33.158*** 33.107***
28.82,43.49 28.81,43.47 27.69,39.71 27.64,39.65
CESD Depression Scale 0.984 1.021
0.95,1.02 0.99,1.05
Constant 0.813 0.845 0.277** 0.256**
N 5400 5400 5949 5949

*p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01.