Aromatic hydrocarbon in conjunction with CYP1B1 signalling pathway. A, Oestrogen binds with the oestrogen receptor alpha (ERa) to form an oestrogen-oestrogen receptor alpha complex (E-ERa), which induces an aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) gene. The AhR protein attaches to heat shock protein-90 (hsp90), XAP2 and P23 to form an AhR complex, then transport into the cell membrane. Also, AhR binds with a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) ligand to form an AhR complex/PAH complex. The AhR complex dissociates to form a heterodimer, AhR-ligand/ARNT. The heterodimer with oestrogen promotes the CYP1B1 gene. The CYP1B1 enzyme is involved in oestrogen metabolism by converting oestrogen into 4-hydroxyestradiol, which depends on NADPH. The figure created by Biorender software. B, CYP1B1 gene involved in carcinogenesis pathway using Aromatic hydrocarbons leading to different types of cancers. The figure obtained from KEGG pathways database.