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. 2020 Apr 28;5(4):204–214.

Table 4.

Spearman’s rank-order correlations.

Care-seeking intentions

Concussion Symptom
Brief Cope Avoidance n 100 100
ρ −0.17 −0.60
P 0.87 0.56
Social n 100 100
ρ −0.05 0.31
P 0.61 0.75
Approach n 99 99
ρ −0.05 −0.21
P 0.59 0.83
Perceptions of limitations n 199 199
ρ 0.15 0.23
P 0.03* 0.00*
Perceptions of interference n 199 199
ρ −0.05 −0.04
P 0.51 0.56
Locus of control Internality n 123 123
ρ 0.05 0.08
P 0.60 0.41
Powerful others n 123 123
ρ −0.13 −0.12
P 0.14 0.19
Chance n 123 123
ρ −0.07 −0.06
P 0.45 0.48

Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (two tailed)