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. 2020 Jul 2;10:10955. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-67863-0

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Osteohistological features of the Lestodon armatus specimens from Playa del Barco site. (AC) General view of the spinous vertebral processes cross sections belonging to juvenile (MD-PDB-16-23), adult (MD-PDB- without catalogue number), and senile (MD-PDB-05-63) individuals. (D,E) details of the bone microstructure of the juvenile individual, in natural light, showing the primary bone tissue partially remodeled. Note the presence of three lines of arrested growth (LAGs, white arrows). (F,G) details of the bone microstructure of the adult individual, in natural light, showing the primary bone tissue (as a remnant) intensely remodeled. (HI) details of the bone microstructure of the senile individual, in natural light, showing the primary bone tissue completely remodeled. cc: compact cortex. lc longitudinal channels, mc medullary cavity, ol osteocyte lacunae, pbt primary bone tissue, rc resorption cavity, Shf Sharpey’s fibers, so secondary osteon. Black scale bars = 1 cm.