Figure 3.
Influence of different cell confluences with and without loading compression in gene expression. (A) Illustration of the loading compression (LC) setup. Cell monolayer loaded with a sterile glass cylinder in 6-well plate to apply a static compression of 2 g/cm2. (B) Light microscopy photography of cells before loading (control) and before unloading (LC 6 h and LC 24 h). ×200 magnification, cropped, exposure adjustment and sharpening in Photoshop CC. (C) mRNA expression of selected markers of inflammation, osteoblastic and osteoclastic markers mean ± SD, n = 6 (two independent experiments in triplicate); normalization by ddCt method to Rpl22 and control 100% statistical analysis with GraphPad Prism 7, two-way-ANOVA, p < 0.05, #control vs. LC (loading compression); *60% vs. 100%; °LC 6 h vs. LC 48 h.