Figure 3. Analysis of G6pc2 RNA and G6pc2 protein expression in Floxed G6pc2 Male Mice.
Comparison of pancreatic G6pc2 (Panels A, D & G), Slc37a4 (Panels B, E & H) and Ins2 (Panels C, F & I) expression in 16 week old 6 hr fasted male mice in the presence or absence of the MIP1-CreERT2 allele and in the presence or absence of tamoxifen (Tam) treatment. Pancreatic G6pc2, Ins2 and Slc37a4 expression were quantitated relative to Ppia (cyclophilin A) and then expressed relative to that in WT mice. Results represent the mean data ± S.E.M. derived from tissues isolated from the indicated number of male mice. Comparison of insulin and G6PC2 protein expression in representative sections of pancreas isolated from WT, germline and BCS G6pc2 KO mice (Panel J). Quantitation of G6PC2 protein expression (Panel K). Data represent the mean ± S.E.M. from 100 cells for each group. FL, floxed; KD, knockdown.