Table 4.
Annotation | DB | C6 | A1 | H7 |
Fd-NR2 (‘NR1’) | 22 677 | 106 ± 5* | 61 ± 1 | 62 ± 2 |
Fd 2Fe_2S | 27 266 | 9 ± 1 | 10 ± 0 | nd* |
Fd-hydrogenase 1 | 6304 | 46 ± 1 | 45 ± 0 | 122 ± 9* |
NR family (‘NR3’) | 15 307 | nd | 4 ± 0* | nd |
PFOR 1 | 17 063 | 1713 ± 22 | 1510 ± 29 | 2290 ± 20 |
PFOR 2 | 114 609 | 4619 ± 48 | 3966 ± 37 | 3938 ± 51 |
Thioredoxin-reductase | 9827 | 243 ± 26 | 208 ± 20 | 226 ± 7 |
A-type flavoprotein | 10 358 | 681 ± 11* | 471 ± 10 | 461 ± 13 |
NAD(P)H oxidase lateral transfer | 33 769 | 2324 ± 56 | 2103 ± 55 | 2032 ± 50 |
NAD(P)H oxidase | 9719 | 490 ± 16* | 332 ± 11 | 290 ± 3 |
Cells were harvested and subjected to MS shotgun analysis as described in ‘Materials and methods’ section. For each strain, three biological replicates have been tested (with three technical replicates per biological replicate). For all proteins, mean values ± standard errors for LFQ intensities (×106) in three biological replicates are given (nd, below detection limit). DB, number in GiardiaDB; Fd, ferredoxin; LT, lateral transfer; NR, nitroreductase; PFOR, pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase. *, value is statistically significant from the two others (one-factorial ANOVA, P < 0.01).