Schematic representation of the Rosa26LSL‐CARD14‐E138A transgene construct (LSL = LoxP‐stop‐LoxP).
Ratio of genotypes obtained of 1‐week‐old pups after crossing K5creTg/+ CARD14E138A+/+ male mice with K5cre+/+ CARD14E138ATg/+ female mice; CARD14E138A+/+ = Rosa26+/+, CARD14E138ATg/+ = Rosa26LSL‐CARD14‐E138A/+
Representative Western blot showing CARD14 protein levels in skin and liver lysates of E18.5 pups. Actin is shown as a loading control.
Representative images of K5creTg/+ CARD14E138A+/+ and K5creTg/+ CARD14E138ATg/+ pups at E18.5.
Ratio of genotypes obtained of 1‐week‐old pups from crossing Malt1
fl/fl K5creTg/+ CARD1414E138A+/+ male mice with Malt1
fl/fl K5cre+/+ CARD14E138ATg/+ female mice.
Representative image of 6‐month‐old Malt1
fl/fl K5creTg/+ CARD14E138A+/+ and Malt1
fl/fl K5creTg/+ CARD14E138ATg/+ mice.
Body weight and ear thickness of untreated WT and Malt1
fl/fl K5creTg/+ CARD14E138ATg/+ male and female mice (between 4 and 7 months old). Each symbol represents one mouse; the line represents the mean value (n ≥ 4 mice per group). WT = Malt1
fl/fl K5cre+/+ CARD14E138A+/+, Malt1
fl/fl K5cre+/+ CARD14E138ATg/+, and Malt1
fl/fl K5creTg/+ CARD14E138A+/+ mice. Statistical difference between two groups was determined using a Mann–Whitney U‐test (ns: P > 0.05)
Representative H&E‐stained histological sections of ear and skin tissue of Malt1
fl/fl K5cre+/+ CARD14E138A+/+ and Malt1
fl/fl K5creTg/+ CARD14E138ATg/+ mice (scale bar represents 100 μm).